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Hilbert 第十问题漫谈

- 参考文献 -

- 卢昌海 -

  1. Martin Davis, Computability and Unsolvability (Dover Publications, Inc., 1982).
  2. Martin Davis (ed), The Undecidable (Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions (Dover Publications, Inc., 2004).
  3. Marcus du Sautoy, The Music of the Primes (HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2003).
  4. David Hilbert, Mathematical Problems, 1900.
  5. G. T. Kneebone, Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (Dover Publications, Inc., 2001).
  6. Yuri Matiyasevich, My Collaboration with Julia Robinson, 1992.
  7. Yuri Matiyasevich, Hilbert's 10th Problem (The MIT Press, 1993).
  8. Yuri Matiyasevich, Hilbert's Tenth Problem: What was Done and What is to be Done, in Hilbert's Tenth Problem: Relations with Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry (American Mathematical Society, 1993).
  9. Hao Wang, Popular Lectures on Mathematical Logic (Dover Publications, Inc., 1993).
  10. Benjamin H. Yandell, The Honors Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers (A K Peters, Ltd., 2002).
