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Standard Model as Effective Field Theory
- sage -
First, to avoid repetition, let me say what I do agree with you. 1) I completely agree with your technical definition of renormalizability, i.e., what a renormalizable theory is. 2) I agree that the Standard Model as you defined is renormalizable. Next, I do want to clarify a couple further points (I am not implying that you will not agree with these). 1) let's forget about what should be called the Standard Model (It is just a name anyway). Let's instead ask what is the Lagrangian we will write down which best summarizes our current state of knowledge. It will of course include the renormalizable standard Model terms. On the other hand, we know we cannot stop here, for the following reasons First, we know there are higher scales, at least the Planck scale. Second, just our ignorance of physics at higher energy scales will force us to include higher dimension (non-renormalizable) operators with undetermined scales. Third, all the theories we have developed so far are indeed just effective field theories applicable to a finite range of scales. Fourth, renormalization itself implies the existence of higher scales (more on this later in the post). Therefore, a Lagrangian which represents our current understanding of particle physics will be Standard Model+non-renormalizable terms. Knowing the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model means such symmetries are embedded in the theory of higher scales, which in turn means that the non-renormalizable terms in the effective Lagrangian sould respect the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model. 2) Historically, renormalizable Standard Model has been a very useful concept. Just renormalizable part of the Lagrangian seems to describe the experimental results quite well. A purely renormalizable theory is only useful (and only in an approximate sense) when there is such separation of mass scales. This is an important point. A truncation of the Lagrangian down to renormalizable terms is in some sense the leading order in the effective field theory calculation. The level of correctness of such a calculation will depends on the value of the higher mass scale. It is correct in the limit that the next scale in physics is much much higher. From the point of view of a effective field theory, this shows the existence of a separation of mass scales between the scale of Standard Model (~100 GeV) and the scale of next layer of physics (at least higher by the order of an one-loop ~16 pi^2 factor). We have been lucky with the Standard Model in the sense that there is such a separation of scale in nature around electroweak scale. On the other hand, there is absolutely no reason to think this is indeed going to be the case. The next layer of physics around the next scale does not have to have such a big separation. In this case, the next effective Lagrangian we write to summarize our knowledge of high energy physics does not have to be, and possibly can not be, just renormalizable at all. This is similar to the situation historically after we saw beta-decay but before we saw the W,Z bosons. Then, all we can write down is QED+Fermi theory. Of course, because we are imaginative, we can always imagine there might be some separation of scales further up so that we could try to write a approximate renormalizable Lagrangian. This is what happened for the Standard Model. However, this does not have to happen again. 3) Is there anything wrong with a effective field theory with some non-renormalizable terms? The answer is absolutely not if we want a predictive theory which can produce accurately predictions within experimental limits. This is the best one can hope for anyway for any theory before of final theory of everything. Effective field theory is predictive not because it is renormalizable, it is NOT. However, at the applicable scale of a effective field theory, it gives a well defined power expansion of Lagrangian in terms of a higher mass scale. Knowing the expansion of the Lagrangian to a certain order, we could compute observables to the accuracy of this order. One of the prime example of effective field theory is actually the Fermi theory (I mean in a general sense all the terms at the order of G_F is included). It can give accurate result for all observables measured at scales below 100 GeV. 4) In a more general sense, renormalization only makes sense when there is a high scale. A common claim is that an effective field theory is inferior to a purely renormalizable one since it breaks down at certain scale. However, nothing can be further away from the truth. Renormalizable theory by themselves is not consistent without the existence of high scales. As very well illustrated in Wilson's approach to renormalization, renormalization procedure makes perfect sense only when there is a high scale at which the bare couplings are defined. The subtraction procedure corresponds to integrating out high momentum scales down to renormalization scale. (for those of you who have not seen this, the field theory book by M. Peskin has a nice introduction to it). if we are really looking for a final theory from which everything can be derived and nothing left to be explained, we should look for a finite theory (such as something like string theory), not a renormalizable one. Again, due to the existence of higher scale, we have to include higher dimensional operators in the Lagrangian if we want to make more precise predictions. Therefore, with some twist of the argument, renormalization is only useful if the theory is fundamentally non-renormalizable. Now, a couple slight more technical points. 1) MSSM is not fully renormalizable since we do not include in it the degrees of freedoms which breaks supersymmetry (while in renormalizable Standard Model we include the Higgs). They are assumed to be integrated out at some higher scale. And, we do not know where the supersymmetry breaking scale is. In principle, we should include all the operators suppressed by the SUSY breaking scale. One of the common practice is assuming that SUSY breaking scale is high and we can safely through away all the other operators. However, this is again just a hope for the existence of scale separation. There is nothing wrong to hope and we do it all the time. However, strictly speaking, MSSM is not analogous to the renormalizable Standard Model. 2) By renormalizable Standard Model, I assume you mean 321 piece with a Higgs. This is indeed the common assumption. However, we have not discovered Higgs yet. All we can confidently write down is indeed an non-renormalizable Lagrangian with Higgs (or whatever responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking) integrated out. This is an non-renormalizable theory. Again, nothing wrong with it. The only thing we know is that something has to come in below 1 TeV to unitarize the WW->WW scattering amplitude. 3) Landau pole for the top Yukawa coupling is much closer. 4) I mention an example where renormalizable theory is useless. Consider the alternative theory of electroweak symmetry breaking called technicolor. They postulates the existence of other gauge interaction at high scales which become strongly coupled at around electroweak scale (at least in one version of technicolor), very much like QCD confinement. However, because of the strong interaction, its low energy physics cannot be computed directly from the renormalizable theory. the only way to do it is to build a effective field theory based on symmetries and try to make predictions. (This is completely analogous to hadron spectrum cannot be computed from QCD directly, although lattice calculation is getting close. the only analytical handle we have is chiral perturbation theory) For those of you who are interested in effective field theory, I include here a couple of references 1) a review article by Howard Georgi which could be found on http://schwinger.harvard.edu/%7Egeorgi/index.htm 2) Aneesh V. Manohar, e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9508245 |