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Force Carriers

- sage -

I would not call gauginos gauge field. i would call them the
superpatners of the gauge field, since they are not associated with
the gauge transformation.

changhai is absolutely right that gauge field does not have to be
bosonic. the famous example is supersymmetry in which the symmetry
transformation is 'fermionic'. after we make the supersymmetry into a
local (gauge) symmetry, there will be ga uge field associated with such
a local symmetry which is fermionic. since supersymmetry
transformation mix with regular spacetime transformations, the gauge
field is in the same multiplet as the graviton, it is therefore called

Since supersymmetry is the only such extension of Poincare algebra,
this is so far the only example we know to have a fermionic gauge

there is nothing new if you phrase all this in a bundle language, if
you like, roughly, our space-time is generalized to a superspace. the
symmetry transformation is the super-diffeomorphism. the section space
is any field defined on the superspace, the fiber is generated by the
super-diff. the gravitino is the connection.  

> 在Feynman图上,外线对应on shell的实粒子,内线对应off shell的虚粒子,后
> 者是那种产生随即又湮灭的粒子。
this is not exactly true. it depends what your purpose for that feyman
diagram is. external line is on-shell only when the feynman diagram is
used to calculate S-matrix. generically, general green's function
could have off-shell external lines. a famous example is the so-called
1PI irreducible effective potential which is calculated from a loop

Also, internal line could be on-shell as well. this the also famous
case where the propagator has an imaginary part.
