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发表文章数: 727
武功等级: 弹指神通
内力值: 469/469


When I first bumped into QFT,I was total confused by the contrast

between its powerful methods and ugly structure. I never thought I

had grasp the spirit and technique of Feymann rules, let alone

write down the scattering amplitudes. Two guys did well. One[1] got the

quantum YM Feymann graph expansion[2] and after twenty-five years he

got a Nobel Medal[3]. Another[4] put it into mathematics, got new proof of

some theorems and make new discover[5]. After one year he got a

Field Medal[6]. In 1996, AMS invited him to teacher QFT to its

Members[7]. In the preface to his new book[8], Zee[9] said"...The genesis

of this book goes back to the quantum field theory course I taught

as a beginning assistant professor at Princeton University. I had

the enormous good fortune of having him as my teaching assistant and

grader. He produced lucidly written solutions to the homework

problems I assigned, to the extent that the next year I went to the

chairman to ask ``What is wrong with the TA I have this year? He is

not half as good as the guy last year!''" Our TA is only one

million of his TA, but he said” Where there is a divergence, there is

a gold mine".

[2]G.’t Hooft,A planar diagram theory for strong interactions,Nucl. Phys. B72 (974),
46 –473.
"for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics"
[5]E.Witten, A New Proof of the Positive Energy Theorem, Comun. Math. Phys 80, 1981, 381
E.Witten, Supersymmetry and Morse theory, J.Diff. Geom. 17, 1982, 66
E.Witten, Quantum field theory and Jone polynomials, Commun. Math. Phys. 121,1989,351.

发表时间:2004-04-04, 21:02:47  作者资料


发表文章数: 727
武功等级: 弹指神通
内力值: 469/469



Hooft->Dijkgraaf, Verlinde

据传Nieuwenhuieen算功特别厉害, 一支铅笔从空白的草稿纸左上角开始
一口气算到右下角, 然后铅笔在笔筒里转转, 草稿纸翻过去, 再算.

想当年Nieuwenhuieen讲授超引力的时候是手指着满是公式的黑板, 戴着一幅
大眼镜, 微笑面对听众, 是何等的潇洒.

一次国际会议上咱天朝的院士A和一其貌不扬的老外B相遇, 交谈起来:

上次来一个中科院院士演讲, 牛比从头讲到尾, 咱也不客气, 中途开溜.

发表时间:2004-04-05, 03:02:58  作者资料


发表文章数: 1125
武功等级: 天山六阳掌
内力值: 535/535

Re: 双子星座

thooft is the best.

发表时间:2004-04-08, 02:54:43  作者资料