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ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)

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发表文章数: 333
武功等级: 华山剑法
内力值: 232/232

ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)


成都的特色街是琴台路,从路口的凤求凰司马相如与卓文君弹琴起舞的塑像可以猜测到,这条街的名字由来与这个古老美丽的爱情故事息息相关!街道上有古老的黄葛树。在成都市区,市区的每座公园,市区街道的两边都长着别处很难见到的黄葛树!它们的树杆高大叶片稠密,为什么在成都,黄葛树特别多呢?它们愿意选择成都 琴台路的两边是典型的四川民宅式建筑,飞椽翘壁的,而且这条路上的砖石都雕满了古老的图案!黄铜浮雕的下水道盖可能是全国各大省会城市的唯一!府南河是成都的母亲河,它哺育了这座现代化的大都市!在河的岸边屹立着望江楼,望江楼公园里种植最多的植物是各类竹子

晚上走步行街------春熙路 灯火辉煌,如步入了水晶宫,流水的台阶叮咚悦耳,水流汇集的街心塘成片的马蹄莲正在盛开!每座城市都有同样的景观,在喜人的环境下总见倾心交谈的人们,玩是为着什么呢?交流又是意味着什么呢?如果用佛教教义说:“缘起性空”去理解这番景象,无数的疑问与那莫名其妙的失落会随风而逝么?那些追风慕水的人们他们的粮仓想必是丰满无缺的么?对了,春熙路上还有座孙中山先生的铜像,他坐在热闹的街道中间,目睹着城市的繁华,可能欣喜中也有更多的忧虑吧:“革命尚未成功,同志还需努力”他的思想,平民也能够理解,因为我们每个人都想不停歇地把自己改造得更为完美

从成都到都江堰走成灌高速公路,公路为八车道,从前灌县就是现在都江堰市!世界文化遗产之一的都江堰确实让人大开眼界,在公元前两百多年前,李冰就开创了治水的先河,李冰,他的水利工程与自然的景观相融合,井盐也为他的设想,现在的四川人吃的大多是井盐,二王庙为他建造,他的善举被人们铭记成“尊道贵德”的理念印迹 去都江堰一定要走松茂古道,在观光台上可一览堰的全貌,跨越岷江的铁索桥,桥下的水在激烈地流动,尽管在这枯水季节。 远处的山峦重叠,蔚为大观 而在飞沙堰,又可遥望宝瓶口,如瓶颈形状的河流正是时任省长李冰亲自设计,石块和流沙不容易从中通过,能被急流的浪水抛石块般地推到側边去,而让江水畅通 而在旺水时节,在另一江道放水,普灌天府大地
Fom Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to Sichuan Shuangliu Airport on May 2nd with heavy clouds in the sky of Chengdu, Capital of Sichuan Province, I have longed to see you for 18 years, and now I am visiting you! With every breath I take, it’s as if I can smell the hot pepper known to this area.
My cousin’s young brother had changed but a little in the 18 years since I last saw him. He is tall and thin. I feel I have hardly changed and as if from a distance of another world, I want to step into the time tunnel and come back to the past years.
I first visit the capital of Sichuan and the Three Stars Heaps. I realize the ancient Sichuan civilization began 4000 years ago.
The Three Stars Heaps comes form Three Ancient Sichuan Province site. The main thing to visit is the Three Stars Heap Museum. Inside jade articles are exhibited as well as pottery and the long staff made of pure gold used in the remote antiquity worship activities. All of these articles dug from the ancient site seem mysterious ! The building of the museum is a spiral twist structure for the human world promoting forever.
The special road is Qin Tai. Its name comes from the story of the statue Phoenix seeking companionshiop of SiMaXiangru and Zhuo WenJun. It relates to an ancient love story!The yellow Arrowroot Tree is planted on both sides of the road in the city. The trees grow tall and handsome. Many civil architectures of SiChuan stand on both sides of QinTai Road. In all the buildings there are flying rafters and holding murals and the road is carved with many ancient drawings! The cover of the tunnel is made of copper which has raised carved patterns. They are, perhaps, the only in ChengDu! FuNan River is ChengDu’s mother river. One can see the modern and the old Capital City. At the side of the river stands the Look River Stories Building. In WangJiang Park, many kinds of bamboos are planted.
The Walking Street
In the evening, ChunXi Street lamplights are bright and one gets the feeling of stepping into a crystal palace. The water flows from one step to the next and the sound jingle happlily in the middle of the street. The flowing water opens the calla in the pond. It is the same scene in every city. On ChunXi Street there is a bronze statue of Mr. Sun Zhongshan. Perhaps he appreciates the city’s flourishing. People should have to work hard and study well.
Many rich people in ChengDu have villas in the suburbs. The courtyard hot springs make them comfortable. They look at the bright moon, their tired is dismissed, and they are kind to themselves.
The famous sight is DuJiang Weir. The world civilized inheritance positively opened people’s scope. Before two hundred years B.C., the designer LiBin, created the advanced water-controlled engineering. His irrigation works cooperated with nature’s sight. The Well Salt allows many people to have salt eaten that has been removed from the sea by SiChuan. LiBin’s deed is remembered by many people as “Honor method and precious theories”. Through the Song Mao Ancient Path, on the platform, you can view all of Weir’s scenes: the Iron Chain Bridge which crosses over the Ming River, the hot water under the Bridge, and the Aquarius of the River rebuilt by LiBing and people under his leadership. This kind of river structure can stop the huge stone and sand and can push the jackstones into the side of the river, and let the river water smooth away. In the flourishing water season, another river gives water out and irrigates all the fields of TianFu Country.


发表时间:2004-10-03, 06:48:04  作者资料


发表文章数: 480
武功等级: 空明拳
内力值: 419/419

Re: ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)



发表时间:2004-10-16, 22:41:09  作者资料


发表文章数: 420
武功等级: 拈花指
内力值: 404/404

Re: ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)


发表时间:2004-10-19, 10:52:49  作者资料


发表文章数: 1743
武功等级: 九阳神功
内力值: 617/617

Re: ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)



发表时间:2004-10-20, 06:24:26  作者资料


发表文章数: 420
武功等级: 拈花指
内力值: 404/404

Re: ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)


发表时间:2004-10-28, 09:20:34  作者资料


发表文章数: 721
武功等级: 弹指神通
内力值: 468/468

Re: ChengDu’s Tourism(my originated compo.)


发表时间:2004-10-28, 10:13:20  作者资料