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发表文章数: 333
武功等级: 华山剑法
内力值: 232/232


它们美丽地开放着,梅花,虽不多彩却是多姿地盛开在这个季节,到底是为了什么? 为了寂寞的人们!为了在初秋时,长满青青的梅子,为了制作果酱,为了人们的胃口!为了梅树下面的茶树,把芬芳沁入待出的茶片,
对于一个很感性的人,看梅可能是为了一场轰轰烈烈的爱,和自己爱恋的人共同去看梅,但这个世界,真爱又能有多少? 就算有了真爱,那依恋又能够陪你度过一生吗? 冬去春来,梅花是无比准时开放在这个美丽的季节,虽然雨天迷雾蒙蒙,洁白如雪的花海,毅然清心又芬芳,为勤苦的人们挥去仓促的头绪,因为,明天又是新的一天!山坡上,丛林里,地头,田间,呵!整个西山,全是盛开的梅:-)涉及到每一寸珍贵的土地,白色的梅花居最多,偶尔有几丛绿梅与红梅,
其实,有人最大的痛苦在于,他或她在这个世界上倍感无尽的寂寞。特别在休息的时间总感觉很难融入真正的自我,睡懒觉的自我,不知道在虚度什么的自己,那也不是真正的完美的自我。最令人值得珍惜的其实是大自然的这份美,这份和谐与统一 袅娜多姿的梅花着力构筑了一个美的清爽的世界。 2004年二月的最后这个礼拜六,我在梅花的花海里,我的记忆也在想念远方的不看梅花的人,柔中有刚的品质,超群的宁静,淡淡地虽不在美丽的西山 我渴慕的透明幻象原来正是高洁雅致的梅 白色的五瓣,皎洁的花 给远处的山颠绘出银河泻地般的面貌 的确,那里有曾经的理想雨雾中的忧郁气氛暂时掩饰了梅花们的灿烂,在等待中,明天会不会是个晴朗的日子?等待蜜蜂来采撷蜜,等待孕育出青梅的微酸适甜,盼望坚决不结苦涩的果子,梅花们什么话也不说,我却不能看过闻过掉头就走。但是又有谁知道种梅的人们的期待?我明显听到背后有锄地的声音,一位农人的脸几乎贴近了梅树下的土壤,啊,她和土地是如此的接近,花是这样成了雪的海的,芬芳的源头,人们无须再问什么理由,或许,在开始的时候应该猜到 是宇宙的精华,万物的灵长 勤劳人们培育了它们,梅花的芬芳美丽又把人们的孤独彷徨彻底地拆卸


发表时间:2004-11-04, 09:07:54  作者资料


发表文章数: 333
武功等级: 华山剑法
内力值: 232/232

Re: 周六,梅花在雨中开(我的YC)

I visited the West Mountain’s plum blossoms on Saturday. They are so pure and pretty. I coulc not fully take in the Guang Fu’s flower snow sea. Their beauty has been in my memory for several years. Their fragrant smell is so pure and clear and although it was raining , I wanted to visit the flowers!
The plum trees are in full blossom and there are not many colors. I wonder why they are hardly opening. I waonder if the flowers are for the lonely people. For at the beginning of autumn, they bear green fruits for making plum juice. There are many tea trees planted under the plum trees and the fragrance permeates the teas!
A person with tender feelings might view the plum blossom with love on a grand and spectacular scale. They might visit the scene with their love .
The winter passes and spring comes. The plum blossom opens on time in this beautiful season. Although there is rain and fog, one sees the white and clear blossoms, just like the snow. They are so fragrant and just like a diligent person, their beauty and fragrance continues because tomorrow is a new day!
The mountain slopes, the wide fields , the soil, are all full of plum blossoms. Every precious inch is filled with white blossoms and several green and red blossoms as well.
The plum blossom opening in spring is just like the snow sea . When it is raining, the opened slices of flowers fall. The yellow and coffee soil collcts the fallen petals. Then they are taken away by the flowing water in a pool or in a stream.
When a person isn’t interested in something and decides to stay home, his mindless decision allows the traffic jam to decrease and lets those people taking care of nature throw their affection on the beautiful view. They grasp every chance to go to the place they love to visit, to appreciate the pure and pretty blossoms ! I know when bus #58 took me out to the West Mountain, I smiled and thought,” Those peasants may be smilling more than I because bus #91 comes from the Suzhou train station and will take many tourists to view the sea of plum flowers.” People are so fond of the plum blossoms on West Mountain.
People not owning the field may become easily tired. We saw the beautiful scene, the experience to remain in our memories. Day may fly, but in our thinking, we will be satisfied with memories.
Time does not wait for our demands and this makes some people sad because of their wanting to put away everything in the crowed city and go to the West Mountain to view the flower sea.
Actually, some people are troubled with loneliness in this world. Holidays are especially hard . It is hard to get involved in good and profitable activities instead of sleeping late or feeling it’s a waste of time to make rich memories viewing the beautiful nature all around.
This Saturday on February of 2004 when I was in the flower sea, I missed many friends that didn’t see the plum blossoms, their gentle and firm characteristics with super calm. I am looking forward to the transparent plum’s five white petals, bright and clear flowers at the top of the faraway mountains.
The rain suspends the joy covering the glorious blossoms. Will it be a fine day tomorrow? The flowers are waiting for the bees to pick their fragrant honey. The flowers are waiting for the bees to pick their fragrant honey. The flowers are waiting for their trees to bear the suitable sour and sweet fruits. They are expecting to have rich fruits.
As I prepared to leave , I smelled the blossoms and tried to understand what the peasants expect. I heard a voice behind me of a peasant worker with a hoe. She is close to the field and sees the blossoms become the white snow sea. The source of the sea comes from hard work. It’s made by the spirit of the word and the wisdom of all things on earth.
The fragrance of the plum blossom waves the people’s loneliness away. The plum blossoms in the West Mountain are pretty in their style and there is a charm in being with people who come year after year to see their beauty.


发表时间:2004-11-04, 09:12:52  作者资料


发表文章数: 418
武功等级: 野球拳
内力值: 404/404

Re: 周六,梅花在雨中开(我的YC)







发表时间:2004-11-04, 12:24:30  作者资料
