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Renormalization of QED

用户登陆 | 刷新 本版嘉宾: sage yinhow


发表文章数: 1125
武功等级: 天山六阳掌
内力值: 535/535

Renormalization of QED


我所了解的lamb shift ,在单圈图近似下,同时包含了以上三种基本过程的辐射修正,同时涉及几个重整化量,而不仅仅是真空极化。

The most general vertex function of electron couples to photon is

Gamma^mu F_1(q^2)+ (i \sigma*q /2m)*F_2(q^2)

F_1 and F_2 are form factors. In calculating Lambs shift, the second term is irrelavent since it is the magnetic dipole interaction. In hydrogen atom, the relavent wavelength is much longer than electron mass. Therefore, we could choose q->0. The semi-classical potential interaction is then from Gamma_mu F_1(0)*(photon propagator).

There are electron self-energy and vertex corrections to F_1(0). However, they exactly CANCEL each other as required by the Ward Identity (or equivalently, gauge symmetry).

The only possible correction is from the wave-function renormalization of the PHOTON propagator, i.e., vacuum polarization.



Very good. Unfortunately, Lamb's shift is not proportional field strength square. Therefore, they are not zero point fluctuation even by your standard.

Your definition would mean the vacuum energy is something like <0|F_munu F^munu |0>. Unfortunately, the zero point energy does not come from this operator. It is proportional to <0|0>

发表时间:2005-04-05, 23:54:02  作者资料


发表文章数: 1743
武功等级: 九阳神功
内力值: 617/617

Re: Renormalization of QED

对Lambs shift的定性解释,可见:
T.A.Welton, Phys.Rev.74,1157(1948)


关于Lambs shift的具体来源,sage兄多半是对的。我记得在对电子磁矩的修正和Lambs shift所对应的修正两样合在一起的公式里面,同时对应三种基本发散圈图的修正,其中代表Lambs shift的项里,同时包含重整化的电荷和重整化的质量等等。由于三种基本圈图贡献不同的重整化常数,所以我判断Lambs shift同时包含三种基本圈图的辐射修正贡献。


发表时间:2005-04-06, 04:17:41  作者资料


发表文章数: 1125
武功等级: 天山六阳掌
内力值: 535/535

Re: Renormalization of QED

I just realized that I might have created some confusion about Lamb shift.

I was thinking that Ping2 Zong1 is talking about the part in Lamb's shift which might remotely resemble zero point energy. that is the modification of Coulomb potential part purly due to vacuum polarization, due to Ward indentity.

However, the complete Lamb's shift surely have contributions from vertex corrections and magnetic interections. However, they do not in anyway resemble vacuum oscillation.

发表时间:2005-04-06, 14:03:06  作者资料
