您的位置:站长主页 -> 繁星客栈 -> 艺 廊 (影视音像论坛) -> Bressanone。伤感之歌。 | November 22, 2024 |
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kanex 发表文章数: 860 |
Bressanone。伤感之歌。 忧伤的歌词,曲调与歌声。 其实是很老的歌了,很多人也许都有耳闻吧。 http://bbs.gyepc.com.cn/music/ppc/mx/3.mp3 Here I stand in Bressanone with the stars up in the sky Are they shining over Brenner and upon the other side you would be a sweet surrender I must go the other way And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surdly stay Wo my heart would surely stay Mow the clouds are flying by me and the moon is the rise I have left stars behind me they were disamondsin your skies You would be a sweet surrender I must go the other way And my train will carry me onward though my heart would surely stay Wo my heart would surely stay 江畔何人初见月`江月何年初照人`
流云 发表文章数: 721 |
Re: Bressanone。伤感之歌。 优美悠扬的调子. 芳华妍尽顾新痕,舞清芬,透香醇。飞过溪桥,笑览一孤村。阡陌疏林穿啼燕,闲笛远,野花深。 清凉厌尽落飘魂,漾微纹,洗埃尘。惹得枝荫,立住多情人。碧水曳舟风把棹,休负了,一江春。
可见光 发表文章数: 421 |
Re: Bressanone。伤感之歌。 很好听!以前在宁姐那里听过。 生活充满七彩阳光,是为可见光