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Physics Benchmarks of String theory 3, Unitarity
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sage 发表文章数: 1125 |
Physics Benchmarks of String theory 3, Unitarity 4) unitarity A sensible physics theory must be unitary. One of the basic requirement for a unitary theory is that there is no state in the spectrum with a negative mass square. (it is neither sufficient nor necessary. however, it is usually a valid requirement to have) However, if we simply have bosonic fields in string theory, the spectrum has a tachyon (negative mass squared mode). There seems to be no consistent way to get rid of it in a flat background. Neveu, Schwarz, as well as Ramond, independently realized that by introducing fermionic degrees of freedom, it is possible to consistently get rid of the tachyon mode. Incidentally, this is one of the ways that supersymmetry is discovered because there is space-time supersymmetry in their formulation. This is the official formulation of the so-called superstring theories. After this, string theory seems to be one step closer to the reality since one has at one way to write down a fully consistent theory.
萍踪浪迹 发表文章数: 1983 |
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