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发表文章数: 148
武功等级: 罗汉拳
内力值: 171/171


1, 以前在国内也很喜欢看数学译林。对当代一些顶尖的数学家的名字最初就是从数学译林上了

记得曾经看老译林上对90年fields奖得主一个苏联的代数几何学家的采访录。 提到Groth
endieck 时这位刚拿来FIELDS奖的主说: 在我成长为数学家的过程中,他对我就是神话里的

82年的fileds 奖Faltings, 属於少年得志的天才类型。
可以想象的高傲。 不过在他 得奖以后,
有加的信。Faltings 高兴 的把这封信给很多朋友看, 得意之极不下与他拿FIELDS奖吧。
我想Faltings 最佩服的数学家就是GROTHENDIECk了吧。

谁是本世纪最伟大的数学家。 此公托口而出: Grothendieck 和上帝最伟大 !

2 Riemann

3 Ramanujan

4 A.孔涅生于法国,1983年获奖,从事算子代数研究,引进了新的不变量,从根本上解决了J.

5,M.孔采维奇(Kontsevich)1964年生于俄罗斯,1998年获奖,对“线理 论”和理论物理学,代数几何与拓扑

6 1998 Fields Medalist Richard E. Borcherds

Richard E. Borcherds received a medal for his work in the fields of algebra and
geometry, in particular for his proof of the so-called Moonshine conjecture. Thi
s conjecture was formulated at the end of the '70s by the British mathematicians
John Conway and Simon Norton and presents two mathematical structures in such a
n unexpected relationship that the experts gave it the name "Moonshine." In 1989
, Borcherds was able to cast some more light on the mathematical background of t
his topic and to produce a proof for the conjecture.

The Moonshine conjecture provides an interrelationship between the so-called "mo
nster group" and elliptic functions. These functions are used in the constructio
n of wire-frame structures in two-dimensions, and can be helpful, for example, i
n chemistry for the description of molecular structures. The monster group, in c
ontrast, only seemed to be of importance in pure mathematics. Groups are mathema
tical objects which can be used to describe the symmetry of structures. Expresse
d technically, they are a set of objects for which certain arithmetic rules appl
y (for example all whole numbers and their sums form a group.) An important theo
rem of algebra says that all groups, however large and complicated they may seem
, all consist of the same components - in the same way as the material world is
made up of atomic particles. The "monster group" is the largest "sporadic, finit
e, simple" group - and one of the most bizarre objects in algebra. It has more e
lements than there are elementary particles in the universe (approx. 8 x 1053).
Hence the name "monster." In his proof, Borcherds uses many ideas of string theo
ry - a surprisingly fruitful way of making theoretical physics useful for mathem
atical theory. Although still the subject of dispute among physicists, strings o
ffer a way of explaining many of the puzzles surrounding the origins of the univ
erse. They were proposed in the search for a single consistent theory which brin
gs together various partial theories of cosmology. Strings have a length but no
other dimension and may be open strings or closed loops.

Richard Ewen Borcherds (born 29 November 1959) has been "Royal Society Research
Professor" at the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at
Cambridge University since 1996. Borcherds began his academic career at Trinity
College, Cambridge before going as assistant professor to the University of Cali
fornia in Berkeley. He has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society, and has also
held a professorship at Berkeley since 1993.

7,von Neumann, John
(1903 -- 1957)
Von Neumann studied chemistry at the University of Berlin and, at Technische Hoc
hschule in Zürich, received the diploma in chemical engineering in 1926. The sa
me year, he received the Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Budapest, w
ith a dissertation about set theory. His axiomatization has left a permanent mar
k on the subject; and his definition of ordinal numbers, published when he was 2
0, has been universally adopted.

Von Neumann was privatdocent (lecturer) at Berlin in 1926-29 and at the Universi
ty of Hamburg in 1929-30. During this time he worked mainly on quantum physics a
nd operator theory. Largely because of his work, quantum physics and operator th
eory can be viewed as two aspects of the same subject.

In 1930 von Neumann was visiting lecturer at Princeton University; he was appoin
ted professor in 1931. In 1932 he gave a precise formulation and proof of the "e
rgodic hypothesis" of statistical mathematics. His book on quantum mechanics, Th
e Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, published in 1932, remains a st
andard treatment of the subject. In 1933 he became a professor at the newly foun
ded Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, keeping that position for the rest
of his life. Meanwhile, he turned his attention to the challenge made in 1900 by
a German mathematician, David Hilbert, who proposed 23 basic theoretical proble
ms for 20th-century mathematical research. Von Neumann solved a special case of
Hilbert's fifth problem, the case of compact groups.

In the second half of the 1930s the main part of von Neumann's publications, wri
tten partly in collaboration with F.J. Murray, was on "rings of operators" (now
called Neumann algebras). Of all his work, these concepts will quite probably be
remembered the longest. Currently it is one of the most powerful tools in the s
tudy of quantum physics. An important outgrowth of rings of operators is "contin
uous geometry." Von Neumann saw that what really determines the character of the
dimensional structure of a space is the group of rotations that the structure a
llows. The groups of rotations associated with rings of operators make possible
the description of space with continuously varying dimensions.

About 20 of von Neumann's 150 papers are in physics; the rest are distributed mo
re or less evenly among pure mathematics (mainly set theory, logic, topological
group, measure theory, ergodic theory, operator theory, and continuous geometry)
and applied mathematics (statistics, numerical analysis, shock waves, flow prob
lems, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, ballistics, problems of detonation, meteorolo
gy, and two nonclassical aspects of applied mathematics, games and computers). H
is publications show a break from pure to applied research around 1940.

During World War II, he was much in demand as a consultant to the armed forces a
nd to civilian agencies. His two main contributions were his espousal of the imp
losion method for bringing nuclear fuel to explosion and his participation in th
e development of the hydrogen bomb.

The mathematical cornerstone of von Neumann's theory of games is the "minimax th
eorem," which he stated in 1928; its elaboration and applications are in the boo
k he wrote jointly with Oskar Morgenstern in 1944, Theory of Games and Economic
Behavior. The minimax theorem says that for a large class of two-person games, t
here is no point in playing. Either player may consider, for each possible strat
egy of play, the maximum loss that he can expect to sustain with that strategy a
nd then choose as his "optimal" strategy the one that minimizes the maximum loss
. If a player follows this reasoning, then he can be statistically sure of not l
osing more than that value called the minimax value. Since (this is the assertio
n of the theorem) that minimax value is the negative of the one, similarly defin
ed, that his opponent can guarantee for himself, the long-run outcome is complet
ely determined by the rules.

In computer theory, von Neumann did much of the pioneering work in logical desig
n, in the problem of obtaining reliable answers from a machine with unreliable c
omponents, the function of "memory," machine imitation of "randomness," and the
problem of constructing automata that can reproduce their own kind. One of the m
ost striking ideas, to the study of which he proposed to apply computer techniqu
es, was to dye the polar ice caps so as to decrease the amount of energy they wo
uld reflect--the result could warm the Earth enough to make the climate of Icela
nd approximate that of Hawaii.

The "axiomatic method" is sometimes mentioned as the secret of von Neumann's suc
cess. In his hands it was not pedantry but perception; he got to the root of the
matter by concentrating on the basic properties (axioms) from which all else fo
llows. His insights were illuminating and his statements precise.

8,William Paul Thurston

Born: 30 Oct 1946 in Washington, D.C., USA(一个神秘的人物)
9,Atle Selberg

Born: 14 June 1917 in Langesund, Norway
10, Henri Poincaré(以一个伟大人物结尾)

发表时间:2005-10-18, 23:23:34  作者资料


发表文章数: 1983
武功等级: 深不可测
内力值: 645/645

Re: 几个我比较崇拜的数学家


漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间:2005-10-20, 01:26:46  作者资料


发表文章数: 693
武功等级: 般若掌
内力值: 463/463

Re: 几个我比较崇拜的数学家



发表时间:2005-10-20, 11:15:53  作者资料