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发表文章数: 148
武功等级: 罗汉拳
内力值: 171/171


书名 出版社 原价 我的价格 状态
物理学家的几何学(第二版)(影印版) 清华大学出版社 ¥84.00 ¥67.20 有货
黎曼几何与几何分析:第3版(英文影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥78.00 ¥78.00 有货
代数几何中的拓扑方法(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥39.00 ¥39.00 有货

群及其表示(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥41.00 ¥41.00 有货
量子群(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥89.00 ¥89.00 绝版
数论中的基本方法(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥49.00 ¥49.00 绝版
巴拿赫代数在算子理论中的应用 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥28.00 ¥28.00 有货
基本同调代数(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥38.00 ¥38.00 有货
代数拓扑的微分形式(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥56.00 ¥56.00 有货
群论和物理学.(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥74.00 ¥74.00 有货
表示论基础教程(英文影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥75.00 ¥75.00 有货
紧黎曼曲面引论 科学出版社 ¥17.00 ¥13.60 绝版

出版社 原价 我的价格 状态
椭园与抛物型方程引论 科学出版社 ¥35.00 ¥28.00 绝版
非交换环初级教程(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥62.00 ¥62.00 绝版
狭义相对论的数学表述(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥37.00 ¥37.00 绝版
Hardy-Littlewood方法 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥35.00 ¥35.00 绝版
割圆域引论 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥42.00 ¥42.00 绝版
巴拿赫空间理论引论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥58.00 ¥58.00 绝版
解析数论基础 科学出版社 ¥45.00 ¥36.00 绝版
统计物理学方法.(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥78.00 ¥78.00 缺货
模形式与迹公式 北京大学出版社 ¥15.00 ¥12.00 有货
李群和Hermite对称空间 科学出版社 ¥36.00 ¥28.80 缺货
孤子波(第2版).(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥40.00 ¥40.00 有货
力学和对称性导论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥72.00 ¥72.00 有货
等周不等式(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥76.00 ¥76.00 有货
现代数学物理方法 第2卷(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥53.00 ¥53.00 绝版
现代数学物理方法 第4卷(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥59.00 ¥59.00 有货
纽结和物理学(第3版).(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥98.00 ¥98.00 有货
傅立叶级数 第2卷 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥48.00 ¥48.00 有货
几何物理学导论.(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥80.00 ¥80.00 有货
环和模的范畴 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥47.00 ¥47.00 有货
傅立叶级数 第1卷 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥36.00 ¥36.00 有货
现代数学物理方法 第3卷(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥68.00 ¥68.00 有货
域和伽罗瓦理论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥28.00 ¥28.00 有货
现代数学物理方法 第1卷(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥59.00 ¥59.00 有货
经典和量子动力学(第2版).(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥56.00 ¥56.00 有货
物理学家用微分几何(第二版) 科学出版社 ¥98.00 ¥78.40 有货
湍流.(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥58.00 ¥58.00 有货
数学家用的量子场论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥105.00 ¥105.00 有货
随机分析(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥58.00 ¥58.00 有货
不等式 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥59.00 ¥59.00 有货
为数学家写的广义相对论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥47.00 ¥47.00 有货
书名 出版社 原价 我的价格 状态
实半单李代数 南开大学出版社 ¥25.00 ¥20.00 缺货
弦论(第2卷).(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥96.00 ¥96.00 有货
弦论(第1卷).(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥73.00 ¥73.00 有货
微分拓扑学(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥34.00 ¥34.00 绝版
李群在微分方程中的应用 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥89.00 ¥89.00 有货
线性偏微分算子分析 第1卷 第2版(英文影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥65.00 ¥65.00 有货
复流形上的微分分析(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥36.00 ¥36.00 有货
非线性双曲微分方程讲义(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥47.00 ¥47.00 有货
复分析导引 北京大学出版社 ¥20.00 ¥16.00 有货
二阶椭圆偏微分方程(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥59.00 ¥59.00 有货
偏微分方程解析方法(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥39.00 ¥39.00 有货
经典数学物理中的偏微分方程(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥114.00 ¥114.00 有货
常微分方程理论中的几何方法 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥52.00 ¥52.00 有货
经典分析中的傅立叶积分(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥60.00 ¥60.00 有货
实分析教程(英文影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥89.00 ¥89.00 有货
凸分析基础(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥38.00 ¥38.00 有货
实分析与抽象分析基础(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥28.00 ¥28.00 有货
偏微分方程 北京大学出版社 ¥13.50 ¥10.80 有货
调和函数理论 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥49.00 ¥49.00 有货
辛几何引论 科学出版社 ¥9.00 ¥7.20 绝版
黎曼曲面 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥34.00 ¥34.00 绝版
微分几何 高等教育出版社 ¥19.00 ¥16.15 有货
基础代数几何 第1卷 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥48.00 ¥48.00 有货
基础代数几何 第2卷 第2版(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥43.00 ¥43.00 有货
黎曼流形(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥39.00 ¥39.00 有货
拓扑流形引论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥38.00 ¥38.00 有货
椭圆曲线和模形式引论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥37.00 ¥37.00 有货
黎曼曲面讲义(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥39.00 ¥39.00 有货
几何测度论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥88.00 ¥88.00 有货
现代黎曼几何导论(影印版) 世界图书出版公司 ¥59.00 ¥59.00 有货

发表时间:2005-11-23, 07:40:09  作者资料


发表文章数: 1125
武功等级: 天山六阳掌
内力值: 535/535

Re: 一些好的数学和物理书籍

it is better to give the author of those books.

发表时间:2005-11-23, 13:38:54  作者资料


发表文章数: 148
武功等级: 罗汉拳
内力值: 171/171

Re: 一些好的数学和物理书籍

《椭园与抛物型方程引论》伍卓群 尹景学 王春明
本书将椭圆型方程与抛物型方程这两个偏微分方程领域的重要分支融为一体,涵盖了这两类方程有关的基本理论和基本方法,既突出了两者的共性,又揭示了其各自的特性,使读者在联系和对比当中能更有效地同时掌握这两类方程的有关知识。 本书可供从事偏微分方程领域研究的学者和工作者参考研究,也可作为本专业研究生教材和参考书。

One of my favorite graduate courses at Berkeley is Math 251, a one-semester course in ring theory offered to second-year level graduate students. I taught this course in the Fall of 1983, and more recently in the Spring of 1990,both times focusing on the theory of noncommutative tings. This book is an outgrowth of my lectures in these two courses, and is intended for use by instructors and graduate students in a similar one-semester course in basic ring theory.

The material in this book is presented in a logical sequence rather than a historical sequence. Thus, we feel obligated to sketch briefly the history of the special theory of relativity. The brilliant experiments of Michelson and Morley in 1887 demonstrated the astonishing fact that the speed of light is independent of the state of relative linear motion of the source of light and the observer of the light. This fact necessitates the modification of the usual Galilean transformation (between two relatively moving observers), which tacitly assumes that time and space are absolute.

《Hardy-Littlewood方法 第2版(影印版)》R.C.Vaughan
There have been two earlier Cambridge Tracts that have touched upon the Hardy-Littlewood method, namely those of Landau, 1937, and Estermann, 1952. However there has been no general account of the method published in the United Kingdom despite the not inconsiderable contribution of English scholars in inventing and developing the method and the numerous monographs that have appeared abroad. The purpose of this tract is to give an account of the classical forms of the method together with an outline of some of the more recent developments. It has been deemed more desirable to have this particular emphasis as many of the later applications make important use of the classical material.
《割圆域引论 第2版(影印版)》Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields 2nd ed
Since the publication of the first edition, several remarkable developments have taken place. The work of Thaine, Kolyvagin, and Rubin has produced fairly elementary proofs of Ribet's converse of Herbrand's theorem and of the Main Conjecture. The original proofs of both of these results used delicate techniques from algebraic geometry and were inaccessible to many readers. Also, Sinnott discovered a beautiful proof of the vanishing of Iwasawa's u-invariant that is much simpler than the one given in Chapter 7. Finally, Fermat's Last Theorem was proved by Wiles, using work of Frey, Ribet, Serre, Mazur, Langlands-Tunnell, Taylor-Wiles, and others. Although the proof, which is based on modular forms and elliptic curves, is much different from the cyclotomic approaches described in this book, several of the ingredients were inspired by ideas from cyclotomic fields and Iwasawa theory.

《巴拿赫空间理论引论(影印版)》Robert E.Megginson An Introduction to Banach Space Theory

Since the study of normed spaces for their own sake evolved rather than arose fully formed, there is some room to disagree about who founded the field. Albert Bennett came close to giving the definition of a normed space in a 1916 paper [23] on an extension of Newton's method for finding roots, and in 1918 Frederic Riesz [195] based a generalization of the Fredholm theory of integral equations on the defining axioms of a complete normed space, though he did not use these axioms to study the general theory of such spaces. According to Jean Dieudonne [64], Riesz had at this time considered developing a general theory of complete normed spaces, but never published anything in this direction. In a paper that appeared in 1921, Eduard Helly [102] proved what is now called Helly's theorem for bounded linear functionals. Along the way, he developed some of the general theory of normed spaces, but only in the context of norms on subspaces of the vector space of all sequences of complex scalars.

《解析数论基础》潘承洞 潘承彪
哥德巴赫猜想、孪生素数、素数分布、华林问题、除数问题、圆内整点问题、整数分拆及黎曼猜想等著名数论问题吸引了古今无数的数学爱好者.本书全面详细讨论了迄今为止研究这些问题的重要的分析方法、理论和结果,介绍了它们的历史及最新进展,是研究这些问题必不可少的入门书. 读者对象是大学高年级学生、研究生、数论工作者以及具有一定数论知识及分析知识的数学爱好者.
Tomoyasu Tanaka 《统计物理学方法.(影印版)》Tomoyasu Tanaka
This book may be used as a textbook for the first or second year graduate student who is studying concurrently such topics as theory of complex analysis, classical mechanics, classical electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics. In a textbook on statistical mechanics, it is common practice to deal with two im-portant areas of the subject: mathematical formulation of the distribution laws of sta- tistical mechanics, and demonstrations of the applicability of statistical mechanics.
《数学家用的量子场论(影印版)》Quantum Field Theory for Mathematicians R.Ticciati
After completing my dissertation in differential geometry, I returned to Maharishi University of Management to join the faculty there. The greatest need for my services was in the physics department, and the chairman, the well-known John Hagelin, pointed the finger of authority and said 'quantum field theory!' The class to start in a few weeks. I laughed, but John was serious. Fortunately, I had audited Sidney Coleman's outstanding Harvard lectures and had taken very good notes. Equally fortunate, I had Robert Brandenburger's official aolutions to all the homework sets. I rolled up my sleeves and waded in. As we battled through the material, the beautiful architecture of Coleman's coures became apparent. It introduced the primary concepts - canonical quantization, renormalization, spin, functional integral quantization - one at a time and made each one practical before advancing to the next abstraction. It started with simple models and provided motivation for each elaboration. The students, however, pinned me to the board with questions about every step in the logic. Could I produce some mathematics to fill the gap? Was there a physical principle which would justify the proposed step? The standard references failed to meet the need, and for the most part I was stumped. It was a couple of years later, when the next group of graduate students was ripening, that I found time to think out some answers. The result was a draft of the first nine chapters of this book.

发表时间:2005-11-25, 07:36:48  作者资料