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Yuan2 Jiang1's question

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发表文章数: 1125
武功等级: 天山六阳掌
内力值: 535/535

Yuan2 Jiang1's question

>I agree with your statement, it is a wave function with charge and mass as free >parameters. Since I do not need any more thing after I get those wave functions, i.e. all >the physical phenomena will be explained based on those wave functions only, so
>there is no need to distinguish whether is is particles or not particles.
This is not correct. The wave-function of two particles each with charge e is different from the wave-function of a particle with wave function 2e. The difference, again, is the number of coordinates you introduce.

The wave function of a proton as a bag only describe its collective motion. it has nothing to do with its internal quark degrees of freedom. It we want to describe quarks, we have to introduce new coordinates for them. Such a wavefunction is related to parton distribution functions.

However, if I would like to do so, it seems to be reasonable that I view the wave function like a bag, since I know that this bag holds two electric charges, I can assume that there are two electrons in the bag, this is as reasonable as assuming the quakes in a proton, right?:-)

发表时间:2006-01-27, 21:54:11  作者资料
