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论坛嘉宾: CoolingRib Omni


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人气: 688


一道关于电影名由来的抢答题 [文章类型: 原创]

请在两分钟时间内说出电影《华氏911》("Fahrenheit 9/11")片名的完整由来,可以使用Google。


发表时间: 2006-09-18, 22:16:56 个人资料


发表文章数: 768
内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
人气: 1737


Re: 一道关于电影名由来的抢答题 [文章类型: 混合]




“我所知道的是﹐來自著名Sci Fic作家Ray Bradbury的著名短篇’Fahrenheit 451'。Bradbury還在世﹐他對Michael Moore 採用他的書名非常生氣﹐據說Moore打電話去道歉。只是不知道Omni問題中的物理﹑化學﹑數學內涵是指什麼﹖據說﹐華氏451度是焚書的最佳溫度。

Ray Bradbury是和Asimov, Frank Herbert(Dune 的作者)齊名的現代三大科幻作家﹐也是如今碩果僅存的一位。他最有名的作品大概就是‘The Martian Chronicle’(火星紀事)和‘Fahrenheit 451’。都拍成過電影。我在大學的時候就看過Julie Christie(One of my favorite actress in those days)主演的電影‘華氏四百五十一度’。Bradbury寫這個故事是為了反對當時的麥卡錫對自由主義人士的迫害。但是在當時的台灣﹐自然地就變成反共的宣傳片而大肆渲染﹐和歐威爾的‘一九八四’﹐‘Animal Farm’成為三大反共巨著。”


发表时间: 2006-09-21, 13:58:16 个人资料


发表文章数: 280
内力值: 263/263
贡献度: 4868
人气: 688


Autoignition temperature [文章类型: 原创]




The autoignition temperature, or the ignition temperature of a substance is the lowest temperature at which a chemical will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere, without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. This temperature is required to supply the activation energy needed for combustion. The temperature at which a chemical will detonate decreases as the pressure increases or oxygen concentration increases. It is usually applied to a combustible fuel mixture.

Similar to the autoignition temperature is the flash point, which is the lowest temperature at which a substance can form an ignitable mixture with air. This point is always less than the autoignition temperature, but the activation energy needed for combustion can be supplied by an external source of ignition, such as a spark.

Autoignition temperatures are measured using the same closed cup apparatus used for measuring flash points. The commonly accepted autoignition temperature of paper, 451 °F (233 °C), is well known because of the popular novel Fahrenheit 451 by author Ray Bradbury (although the actual autoignition temperature depends on the type of pulp used in the paper's manufacture, chemical content, paper thickness, etc.)

Autoignition Equation无法转贴,必须点击上面链接才能看到。

所以答题者必须写出“自燃”二字才能得满分,呵呵。当然“纸张自燃”隐含(imply)了“焚书”的内涵,这就是为何Ray Bradbury的这部小说被认为与George Orwell的“1984”主题类似。但是本抢答题的关键在于区分“焚书”与“书的自焚”!

发表时间: 2006-09-21, 19:00:09 个人资料
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