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论坛嘉宾: sage


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为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]

一直比较纳闷:为什么宇宙中的量子效应这么弱?小生我先挖个坑:) 大牛们灌水哈



慢慢的到了大二,开始自学量子力学,一下子进入微观世界。还是那种感觉:总的来说,体系的量子效应是非常弱的,在日常中我基本不用面对量子力学。后来又逐步的看见物理界的大牛们继续沿着英雄的道路去追寻量子引力。接触到更多的理论:superstring/M theory and loop quantum gravity.作为非物理系的工科学生,这个疑问就越来越强:为什么这么多的高深理论对我们的实际观测修正效应却这么弱?


1.D-branes 动力学(或者说string theory)对可测的哈勃常数修正会有多大?我想一定会很小?但是为什么现在理论对它的修正会这么小?







我觉得我简直是在胡思乱想,估计主要是火箭在领先15分的情况下,最后15分钟集体哑火,23投2中,把几乎到手的胜利拱手让人,也让我郁闷到这种程度所致。大家一笑而过阿 呵呵。


发表时间: 2006-11-15, 00:15:41 个人资料


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Re: 为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]


Récoltes et semailles

发表时间: 2006-11-15, 12:46:22 个人资料


发表文章数: 359
内力值: 334/334
贡献度: 5130
人气: 237


Re: 为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]

You are probably mixing up two questions.

1) whether fundamental theory, such as string theory, if true, determine what we see at our experiments? Of course it will. It determines the basic particle spectrum we are going to see.

2) If we are not convinced that string theory exists, are we going to be able to see direct evidence of it by doing low energy measurements? The answer is obviously no, because strings are just too heavy. Scale determines everything. The basic concept of effective field theory is that the experiments done at large scales (small mass) will not be sensitive to what is going on at the small scale (high mass). Therefore, if you look out into the sky, of course you probably won't see fundamental strings, because they are too too small.

Now go to some of your detailed questions:

1.D-branes 动力学(或者说string theory)对可测的哈勃常数修正会有多大?我想一

It depends on model. There are many many many models of Dbrane-world cosmology. Some are pretty dramaitic. There are even more models from string theory in general. If you just take a random model, it will predict a very different universe.



Nobody knows. If we know anything about field theory, all models give very big corrections.


It depends on model. Pretty small, but could be visible if we are lucky.


Model dependent. There is not a unique model in string theory.


There is no such a theory call loop quantum gravity. It is a collection of wishful thinking rather than a consistent theory.


或许大家更关注的是string对于粒子物理学的观测会带来多大的修正。通常在核物理里头,不到几百个MeV,我是完全不会去考虑相对论或者QCD的修正的,用各种唯象模型就能得到足够的精度了。在航天器屏蔽中,对星际宇宙射线的效应也不用考虑pions或者muons、各种轻子的影响。因为计算结果表明他们的贡献比中子和质子在20GeV以下的贡献小几个数量级。由此类比或许可以让我们相信,string对粒子物理学的效应也是很弱的。尽管大家都在等 LHC的结果,我也祈祷能有些可观测得效应,但是很有可能不会达到预期的希望。


Nobody is asking you to believe in something that is not going to be verfied. Nobody really believes in string theory either.

If you lower the fundamental theory scale, the correction will certainly be larger. There are a lot of models doing that as well.


Yes. I am doing exactly that.



Very sophisticated, very detailed. Anything new which is lighter than 10 TeV is pretty strongly constrained.



You probably should study more. Finish Weinberg. It should get you very far.

发表时间: 2006-11-15, 20:56:46 个人资料


发表文章数: 35
内力值: 107/107
贡献度: 519
人气: 32


Re: 为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]

You probably should study more. Finish Weinberg. It should get you very far.

谢谢,正在一页页的读写。我想会是你说得那样的very far.

Anything new which is lighter than 10 TeV is pretty strongly constrained

Wati Taylor 在The Joint Meeting of Pacific Region Particle Physics Communities上的报告Can String Theory Make Predictions for Particle Physics?中提到了一个量:10 TeV 。认为在此能标下,理论不会做出什么对粒子物理有什么具体可观的东东(当然也可以放大一些,比如1000TeV)。我想到我死的那一天也未必能在实验室达到理论物理学家要球的能标。难道理论物理学家就只能用能标来搪塞么?也许这正是理论物理学家要做的。
http://www.phys.hawaii.edu/indico/contributionDisplay.py?contribId=96&sessionId=168&confId=3 泰勒的slides

Nobody is asking you to believe in something that is not going to be verfied. Nobody really believes in string theory either.

是,的确是没有人要我相信它。但是总的有点信仰,就像我信仰标准模型(也许可以称为stardard theory了)一样。当然很多时候会发现自己的确学了一些你很长时间不知道有没有意义,也不知道对不对得东东。但是还是会去认真学,呵呵。

If you lower the fundamental theory scale, the correction will certainly be larger. There are a lot of models doing that as well.


There is no such a theory call loop quantum gravity. It is a collection of wishful thinking rather than a consistent theory.


It depends on model. There are many many many models of Dbrane-world cosmology. Some are pretty dramaitic. There are even more models from string theory in general. If you just take a random model, it will predict a very different universe.

Nobody knows. If we know anything about field theory, all models give very big corrections.

It depends on model. Pretty small, but could be visible if we are lucky.

Model dependent. There is not a unique model in string theory


You are probably mixing up two questions.

1) whether fundamental theory, such as string theory, if true, determine what we see at our experiments? Of course it will. It determines the basic particle spectrum we are going to see.

2) If we are not convinced that string theory exists, are we going to be able to see direct evidence of it by doing low energy measurements? The answer is obviously no, because strings are just too heavy. Scale determines everything. The basic concept of effective field theory is that the experiments done at large scales (small mass) will not be sensitive to what is going on at the small scale (high mass). Therefore, if you look out into the sky, of course you probably won't see fundamental strings, because they are too too small.





发表时间: 2006-11-15, 22:07:11 个人资料


发表文章数: 35
内力值: 107/107
贡献度: 519
人气: 32


Re: 为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]


5. Summary I
² String theory need not make predictions for particle physics
below 100 TeV
² We can't de¯ne string theory yet
² The number of suspected solutions is enormous, and growing fast
² Nonetheless, constraints on low-energy physics correlated between
calculable corners of the landscape may lead to predictions
² If not, probably need major conceptual breakthrough to have any
possibility of predictivity for low-energy particle physics.
² Raison d'etre for string theory: quantum gravity.
Remarkably, also gives new insight into gauge theory.
Suggests interesting new structures for phenomenological models.
Speci¯c low-energy physics prediction would be unexpected bonus.

他选取了100 TeV,不知道为何。


发表时间: 2006-11-16, 01:43:09 个人资料


发表文章数: 359
内力值: 334/334
贡献度: 5130
人气: 237


Re: 为什么宇宙中量子效应这么弱?? [文章类型: 原创]

I am going to only reply to the part of your message which is actually a question.

You asked about the 10 TeV. The reason for that is if we have random new physics below that scale, their effect would have been already visible, for example, through the so called electroweak precision tests. There is nice review of it on the webpage of particle data group, which is also a good source for a lot of information.

There are some observables, such as Kaon mixing, which is sensitive a particular kind of new particles if they are at more than 100 TeV.

I don't know why Wati is talking about 100 TeV. I think he is probably just refering to some low scale and pick up that number.

发表时间: 2006-11-16, 21:26:11 个人资料
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