发表文章数: 447
内力值: 254/254
贡献度: 2295
人气: 516
本人的一些idea集合 [文章类型: 原创]
1) 许久以前说从morse complex恢复manifold,发现早给人做了,方法的确和我说的一样。不过还好,最近终于明白R2-valued理论了,可以正式动工了。
2) 把jones polynomial中的x换成e^x之类并相应修改以处理“巧合的取消”,一查果然做了,vassiliev。再进一步可以搞动力系统,L-function,这个好像没人做。
3) 俺说:steenrod和frobenius有关系吧。professor: 看不出来。我再说说。professor:哦,可能吧。俺一查,给做了。
4) 俺说:改改variety的定义可以变成morse map然后系统研究singularity,一看,的确是基本的思想。
5) 俺看论坛帖子说搞non-abelian measure theory,用sheaf theory公理化measure,不知道connes有没有搞第一个,刚开始看他的东西。
like a great ring of pure and endless light
发表时间: 2007-01-11, 12:22:25
发表文章数: 447
内力值: 254/254
贡献度: 2295
人气: 516
Re: 本人的一些idea集合 [文章类型: 原创]
*) how?: todd class <-> Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff <-> Bernouli number <-> zeta
*) group homomorhism G->H vs [BG, BH], explain the difference. example: pontryagin dual <-> group cohomology
*) how?: Spec(continuous X -> R) -> X. say, how to recover open sets from algebraic information.
*) what differeomorphism really is? [think exotic xxx]
*) how n-cell connect to (n-1)-cell: besides H_, still have what?
*) steenrod : frobenius = ? : zeta
*) simplest proof of poincare duality, bott periodicity, class number formula
*) how?: coefficient ring <-> formal group law
*) how?: coefficient ring <-> functor between theories
*) systematical way of studying [X, Y], in both the stable & unstable case. say, when giving the postnikov tower.
*) the simple way of studying [X, Y] is to study induced map on cohomology theories. what's the limit of information? only care for stable maps? all stable [X, Y] give cohomology theory?
*) suspension, loop, classification: not exact functor, to what extent?
*) dold-thom: homotopy -> homology,easy. how about inverse? may involve:groupoid & classification space & noncommutative.
*) link above to john baez's homology ~ homotopy equation.
*) knot space: knot as point,with extra structure. apply AT methods, at least on formal level
*) dynamic system for knot,get L-function
*) a measure theory where: open set -> GL(n)
*) postnikov tower for S^n: how it looks
*) example for: same pi_, diff H_; same H_, diff H*; etc.
*) minimum amount of atlas needed for a giving X?
*) pointwise=linear algebra; local=some 2-algebra?; global=?
*) realize hopf bundle on morse complex
*) sth which chi = zeta
*) good geometric explanation for zeros of a power series expansion
*) loop space of X has simple homotopy type. example?
like a great ring of pure and endless light
发表时间: 2007-01-11, 13:14:51
发表文章数: 447
内力值: 254/254
贡献度: 2295
人气: 516
Re: 本人的一些idea集合 [文章类型: 原创]
*) stable homotopy ~ infinite categorification of vector space
*) cohomology of Spec ~ homology of X
*) categorification of discriminant
*) the dynamics of operator: L, B, S
*) tangent groupoid <-> heat kernel
*) K^1 ~ Chern-Simons
*) (co)homology ~ 1-d representation of some ring?
*) ? ~ high-d representation of that ring
like a great ring of pure and endless light
发表时间: 2007-01-11, 23:31:23