简单产生复杂 (Simplicity Begets Complexity)
---徐一鸿(Anthony Zee)论橄榄球和宋诗
感谢万维“竞技沙龙”网友ganglia提到美国物理学家徐一鸿教授的科普名著"Fearful Symmetry"中有多处提到了美式橄榄球,这让原本无暇顾及此书的我兴趣大增。于是利用本周末在四场橄榄球季后赛的广告和休息时间细读此书,果然收获颇丰。有些网友也许对徐教授的英文名字拼写感到奇怪,这也许是他的创造性有些过头,居然想到用上海方言的发音来拼"徐"字.
阅读这类没有数学公式的物理科普一般无需调低电视机的音量,徐教授的英语文笔真是出乎意料的精彩。看来阿拉上海人的英语水平高是普遍现象, 我对自己的词汇量一直非常自信, 没想到天外有天, 徐教授的文字里还出现了不少生词。他从小爱好艺术史,因此在文科领域也颇有心得。"Fearful Symmetry"一书行文之流畅颇能抓住我的注意力, 令我一度在球赛广告回来之后的几分钟内仍不忍完全切换"视觉频道", 以至不断重复抬头低头动作, 这要感谢美式橄榄球的"量子化"本质, 呵呵.
两天四场球赛下来让我读完头两章整整100页, 在此摘录并用中文点评一下两个最精彩的片段与繁星网友分享, 毕竟我是通过本客栈首次知道此书的存在:
(1) 关于美式橄榄球的文字
Simplicity Begets Complexity
... The American game of football is my favorite sport to watch, because of the variety of behavior exhibited. But the complex repertoire is the direct result of probably the most complicated set of rules in sports. Similarly, the complexity of chess is generated by its rather complicated rules.
Nature, whose complexity emerges from simplicity, is cleverer. One might say that the workings of the universe are more like the oriental game of Go than chess or football. The rules of Go can be stated simply and yet give rise to complex patterns. The eminent physicist Shelley Glashow has likened contemporary physicists to kibitzers at a game whose rules they do not know. But by watching long and hard, the kibitzers begin to guess what the rules might be.
In the United States, a committee of the NFL meets every year to review the past season and to tinker with the rules. As every observer of the sport knows, an apparently insignificant change in even one rule can drastically affect the pattern of the game. Restrict slightly how a cornerback can bump a receiver and the game becomes offense dominated. Over the years, the rules of the game have evolved to ensure an interesting balance between offense and defense. Similarly, Nature's laws appear to be delicately balanced.
The central point is that, unlike the rules of football, Nature's rules are not arbitrary; they are dictated by the same general principles of symmetry and linked together in an organic whole.
【点评】徐教授在这几段文字中提到了美式橄榄球和国际象棋这两项兄弟相当喜爱的竞技体育, 对前者我是观众, 而后者是我的业余爱好。我在中学时代是围棋和国际象棋并举,其中给围棋的时间可能略多。但近年来偶尔上网下棋,基本上只参与国际象棋,因为一盘围棋需要的时间过于漫长,而国际象棋可以下得非常快。换言之,国际象棋更能让我体会到instant gratification,而围棋计算的复杂性使其娱乐性相对较差。
(2) 关于宋代诗人陈与义作品中涉及的运动相对性
Gently Down the Stream
... In a four-line, lyrical poem describing a boat trip on a windy day, the Song Dynasty poet Yu-yee Chen (1090-1138) wrote:
"The boat looks red amidst the dancing flowers,
A hundred li of elms in a half-day's wind,
Reclining I watch the clouds standing still,
Not knowing the clouds and I are both traveling east."
In this case, the poet's conception of motion agrees with the physicist's. To the poet, the clouds can quite accurately be described as standing still.
应该说徐教授的翻译基本上是到位的,至于诗作本身的韵味恐怕难免要"lost in translation"。关于这首诗的赏析网上已有专文介绍:
另外,徐教授关于“弱相互作用宇称不守恒”的物理图像描述在我读过的科普著作中实在是首屈一指! 他用一个简单的图示就将parity的基本概念讲透, 接下来过渡到CP violation也非常自然,令一向认为高能物理学高深莫测的我顿时有“会心不远”的感觉。我由此认为徐一鸿教授的科普物理功力丝毫不在Gamow和Weinberg等名家之下,在此向繁星网友郑重推荐此书。