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论坛嘉宾: CoolingRib Omni |
Omni 发表文章数: 280
韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
今晚还是抽空看了头两集,结果发现了美中不足的两个硬伤: * 第1集结尾和第2集开头的剪接有问题,没有能够连上。第2集开头5分钟左右的内容是多出来的,而之后开始接上的医院场景和第1集结尾有细微区别。这种制作上的硬伤是完全可以避免的,看来韩国连续剧在某些技术细节上还是没有盛产连续剧的中国同行那么熟练。 * 金宝珞拜祭其兄坟墓的场景太假,编导为了不让韩太雄不知道拜祭的真实对象,故意弄了一个“海边乱坟岗”。试想一个巨富人家的公子怎么可能连墓地墓碑都没有,简直像是葬在草丛之中。 顺便读了一下安徒生童话《雪之女王》的英文版,知道了Lapland的出处---在芬兰等国此地被认为是圣诞老人的家: http://town.hall.org/radio/Kennedy/SnowQueen/scene9.html The Snow Queen Adapted from the story by Hans Christian Andersen ... GERDA The Snow Queen? Kai was with the Snow Queen? Where was she taking him? Do you know? DOVES She was on her way North to Lapland. GERDA Lapland? How do I get there? DOVES That's all we know. Ask the reindeer. GERDA Bae. Bae. Can you tell me how to get to Lapland? (pulling on Bae) Come on, Bae, talk to me. ROBBER GIRL Well, don't we learn quick. ... --------------------------------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapland,_Finland Lappi, or the Province of Lapland is one of the Provinces of Finland, and a part of the larger geographical area of Lapland, which spans over four countries. The municipalities in the province cooperate in a Regional Council, which also makes it the Region of Lapland. It borders the Province of Oulu and the Region of North Ostrobothnia in the south. It also borders to the Gulf of Bothnia, Norrbotten County in Sweden, Finnmark County in Norway and to Murmansk Oblast in Russia. In some parts of the world, particularly Britain and Finland itself, it is considered the traditional home of Santa Claus.
henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
金宝珞哥哥的墓地虽然设施简陋 但是面海而立,而且看起来还不是在坟墓集中地这样的地方,我一看就跟旁边的人说:果然是有钱人家,墓地就是风水宝地,而且还这么有性格,连个大大的墓碑都不立。 Nunquam praescriptos transibunt sidera fines
henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
哦 关于每集衔接的问题 Omni前辈 这不是“硬伤”,而是故意的,你接着看就会知道每一集开头都有前几分钟重复先前一集的内容,这已经成为日本和韩国连续剧、动漫的风格。这其中作用还不小。一是显然客观上增加了每一集的播出时间(当然,我们不是收益人),二是重复的内容可提醒观众上集的剧情发展。我们作为下载观看,当然用不着提醒,但是在电视台播放就有这个用处了,甚至有些片子是一个星期只在周末播映,那重复的剧情就有用了。
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Omni 发表文章数: 280
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
第2集和第3集之间就没有我说的问题。关键在于第2集开头5分钟左右的内容是第1集中完全没有的,不是重复。而且5分钟之后开始“重复”时的医院场景和第1集结尾有细微差别,肯定是不同时间拍摄的。。。 另外我把第1集中韩太雄涉嫌抄袭的那篇英文论文标题记了下来: "An asymptotic inequality for the Kobrodsy function" 非常好奇地Google一下“Kobrodsy function”发现根本就没有这个数学术语。而此文头三篇参考文献如下: [E] P. Erdos [H] B. Hyun [K] A. Kobrodsy Paul Erdos的大名和本文不等式右端出现的Riemann Zeta function提示这是一篇关于数论的论文,我猜测其作者应该是韩国人,因为它引用了另一韩国人Hyun的文章。但是Kobrodsy此人在数论界应该毫无影响,否则以他命名的函数怎么可能在Google上一点线索都没有,呵呵。
henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
Omni前辈 如果该剧导演知道你这么较真,他肯定要晕死。 他们拍摄这个电视剧应该有专门请数学专业人士给剧中的数学情节出谋划策,真想不到我们还真会根据剧情的线索追踪里面的“数学原型”。
我猴急,我从第五集开始看起。 我根据您的信息也没能找到Kobrodsy的信息。从名称看 应该是亚洲人吧 在第13集出现了男主角日后扬名立万的战绩:证明小数集合里存在等差为所有实数的等差数列。 我是根据字母打字的,不明白是什么东西,可能翻译的人不懂数学,有差误。 大家能说清楚究竟是什么命题吗? Nunquam praescriptos transibunt sidera fines
Omni 发表文章数: 280
Terence Tao's 2006 Fields Medal Citation [文章类型: 混合]
This should be easy to guess. Most likely it's referring to Terence Tao's contribution to Number Theory which can be stated as "the existence of arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers" --- In 2004, Ben Green and Terence Tao released a preprint proving the existence of arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers. For this and other work, he was awarded the Australian Mathematical Society Medal. http://www.college.ucla.edu/news/05/terencetaomath.html ... Tao and colleagues have taken on complex mathematical problems, in one case expanding on work begun by the one of the founders of formal mathematical studies more than 2,200 years ago. Work on prime numbers by Tao and University of Bristol mathematician Ben Green was acknowledged by Discover magazine as one of the 100 most important discoveries in science for 2004. Green and Tao expanded on theories that originated with the Greek mathematician Euclid. Euclid proved there is an infinite quantity of prime numbers (a number divisible only by itself and one). Green and Tao proved that the prime numbers contain infinitely many progressions of all finite lengths. An example of an equally spaced progression of primes, of length three, is 3, 7, 11; the largest known progression of prime numbers is length 24, with each of the numbers containing more than two dozen digits. Green and Tao's discovery reveals that somewhere in the prime numbers, there is a progression of length 100, and length 1,000, and every other finite length. They also demonstrated that there are an infinite number of such progressions in the primes. To prove this, Tao and Green spent two years analyzing all four proofs of a theorem named for Hungarian mathematician Endre Szemeredi. Very few mathematicians understand all four proofs, and Szemeredi's theorem does not apply to prime numbers. "We took Szemeredi's theorem and goosed it so that it handles primes," Tao said. "To do that, we borrowed from each of the four proofs to build an extended version of Szemeredi's theorem. Every time Ben and I got stuck, there was always an idea from one of the four proofs that we could somehow shoehorn into our argument." Tao is also known among mathematics researchers for his work on the "Kakeya conjecture," a perplexing set of five problems in harmonic analysis. One of Tao's proofs extends more than 50 pages, in which he and two colleagues obtained the most precise known estimate of the size of a particular geometric dimension in Euclidean space. The issue involves the most space-efficient way to fully rotate an object in three dimensions, a question that interests theoretical mathematicians. ...
henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
哦 对哦! 我忘了Tao的贡献,受教了。谢谢。
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henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
唉~~~~~~ Nunquam praescriptos transibunt sidera fines
littlebird 发表文章数: 863
Re: 韩剧《雪之女王》在制作上的几个硬伤 [文章类型: 原创]
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