记得Changhai和Shanqin曾经猜测过Hilbert对Godel不完备定理的可能反应。Stephen Hawking看来掌握了一些我们没有见过的史料,他在其主编的"God Created the Integers"一书中的"Godel评传"中写道:
"... Hilbert was at first angry to learn that his grand scheme for securing the foundations of mathematics had been shown to be impossible. However, Hilbert's assistant Paul Bernays convinced him that Godel had achieved a truly important advance. ..."
Hawking在这里并没有给出这段史料的参考文献,但是Paul Bernays这个关键人名应该是有兴趣深入研究者的一个线索。例如我随手做了一个检索发现了下面这个网页:
* R. Zach, Completeness before Post: Bernays, Hilbert, and the development of propositional logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1999) 331 -366.
值得一提的还是Hilbert的大家风范,他没有因为不喜欢Godel定理而利用个人影响去阻挠Kurt Godel在Vienna大学取得正式教职。做为对照,我们可以通过Hawking的描述看一下Kronecker这位知名教授是如何拼命打压Cantor这个年轻的“异己分子”:
"In spite of Weierstrass's efforts, Kronecker was able to block all attempts to get Cantor a mathematics professorship at Berlin."