您的位置: 站长主页 -> 繁星客栈 -> 草 坪 -> 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 | November 24, 2024 |
论坛嘉宾: CoolingRib Omni |
Omni 发表文章数: 280
《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 混合]
【按】《爱在量子前》的作者九维空间已在本客栈注册笔名"stzwz",我们期待他的精彩发言。九维空间的最新改编作品《量子场》居然被水木清华物理版的高手直接录成了MP3,其演唱效果出乎我意料的好。而我原先一直认为像《爱在量子前》这样的改编歌词虽然字数和原作品接近,但由于普通话的平仄等音调上的局限是无法演唱的。现在看来这一观点有必要修正,非常希望将来能在网上找到《爱在量子前》的MP3。另外楼下老秦没法贴歌的原因是水木清华的那个URL没有直接指向文件本身,而是通过PHP的server-side script中转,其目的就是为了防止被直接链接。我已将其上传到自己的服务器,这样繁星网友就可由本贴不下载在线欣赏了。
============ 量子场 作者:九维空间 快4年了,2003年夏天创作的<爱在量子前>,没想到在网络上流传这么久,引起这么多物理人的共鸣.那个时候刚接触量子力学,什么都不懂(当然现在没人敢说懂) 来德国后这些日子晚上无聊,在看了一些量子场论的书.对于我们专业来说,最重要的理论是量子光学,但它只涵盖了量子场论一部分比较初级的内容.因为不是做粒子物理,场论不会显得那么必须.但为了深入发展,多学一点是好事.很后悔在科大上课的时候没有坚持去旁听这门课,听了一节就跑掉了. 平心而论,量子力学比量子场论更重要.这关系好比牛顿力学和分析力学.虽然后者是前者的深入和推广,但仰仗着前者的出现,永远是前者的继承.而前者是破天荒的出现,才是飞跃.质变和量变的区别. 这回改的是周杰仑的<菊花台>,可能也是我最后一次改歌了.主要原因是一我今后很难再去学更深入的理论知识了,二是目前完善的物理基础理论也只到了量子场论.接近4年的时间,一共改过5首歌,一首不如一首,哈哈.前3首都是考试前郁闷改的,有少量恶搞成分.后两首是接触一个领域不久改的,还是有少量恶搞成分.主要目的嘛,就是把一些概念写歌词里,这样忘得慢. <爱在量子前> <孤单光量子> <退相干以后> <寂寞原子冷> 这边网速慢,不做联接了,有兴趣的朋友google一下,都能看到. 还有,最新推出这个<量子场>,起于周杰仑的歌,止于周杰仑的歌.娱乐的时候,不用管这些明星人如何如何,只要欣赏他们的作品就ok. 也想改别的,但谁让我出来前本本里只存了<菊花台>这一首歌呢.这一年听不到国内的流行音乐了.可惜. 量子场 原曲:《菊花台》 物质与光 粒子数表象 洛仑兹变换下 此消彼长 波函数成 量子化的场 是谁把这算符写进拉格朗日量 玻色费米 对易反对易 QED的辉煌 自能疯狂 我从远方 所有的方向 路径积分到你身旁 量子场论的伤粒子世界太繁华 Yang-Mills规范场对称性再扩张 重正化微绕项 标准模型剪不断 只留着引力在其外彷徨 画一条线 联接着顶点 清晰的费曼图 场的形象 对称坡却 Higgs质量 统一了电弱衰变结合电磁场 谁的颜色 囚禁着夸克 QCD作用强 GUT在望 无穷的项 Wilson有效场 一次截断 不留惆怅 量子场论的伤粒子世界太繁华 Yang-Mills规范场对称性再扩张 重正化微绕项 标准模型剪不断 只留着引力在其外彷徨
追忆 发表文章数: 195
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
老秦 发表文章数: 54
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
另外我还模仿九维兄写了一个《菊花台》的“轩辕剑3”版,有时间也贴来给大家乐一乐。 《心灵的战争》第一章:多重人格……
老秦 发表文章数: 54
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
另外我这儿也有《爱在量子前》的MP3演唱版,好象是一个南大的学生唱的, 很多年前在网上无意发现的,Omni兄如果想要的话我可以发给你。
henring 发表文章数: 218
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
Nunquam praescriptos transibunt sidera fines
Omni 发表文章数: 280
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
>>另外我这儿也有《爱在量子前》的MP3演唱版,好象是一个南大的学生唱的, 很多年前在网上无意发现的,Omni兄如果想要的话我可以发给你。
Lao Qin: I already sent an email to your 163 account, you can simply reply with the MP3 as an attachment. Thanks a lot!
彼黍离离 发表文章数: 447
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 混合]
stzwz 发表文章数: 9
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
感谢omni!感谢老秦献唱!感谢MTV!感谢CCTV!感谢channel [V]!感谢.........
卢昌海 发表文章数: 768
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 原创]
[主持人接过话筒] 感谢stzwz!也感谢我们现场热情的歌迷!
ewgxn 发表文章数: 11
Re: 《量子场》水木清华演唱版 [文章类型: 转载]
http://www.artichoketheband.com/ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/artichoke3 http://cdbaby.com/allmp3lofi/artichoke3.m3u 1.《爱因斯坦》 I was born in Bavaria in the city of Ulm by the time I was 26 I knew that you never go home by the annum mirabilus nineteen hundred and five I abandoned the absolutes and showed that you never arrive at the speed of light whether matter or energy is a bundle or wave I decided to sleep enough I snooze the better part of each day well I studied the violin I was famously bad on the subject of politics I knew -- 4.《开尔文》 Kelvin’s cable spanned the ocean lecturing in motion talkin’ ‘bout the heat heeeeeeeat!!! from hot to cold! heat always flows you try it and see are we headed for disorder crossin’ every border talkin’ bout the heat heeeeeeeat!!! 5.《伽利略》 Galileo Galilei bought a telescope in an instant what was distant appeared so close he added to the gadget another lens for magnifying objects and making friends Galileo found that Jupiter had 4 moons to supporters of Copernicus what good news! he chose to disagree with the Catholic Church well there may be a center but it's not Earth Galileo Galilei bought a telescope for geocentric theory there was no hope the year was sixteen hundred and thirty three they locked him in his house and they lost the key 6.《海森堡》 maybe just by hearin' this you're changin' what you (hear) -- B la la la la! Heisenberg determined that uncertainty was -- B la la la la! C G Einstein could not accept this B bah-bah! bah-bah! bah-bah! C G but why is not the question, it's F# how-oo-ow-oo-ow... tell me my position my momentum what you (hear) -- B la la la la! can you know the future if you cannot know the (now) B la la la la! C G Einstein could not accept this B bah-bah! bah-bah! bah-bah! C G but why is not the question, it's F# how-oo-ow-oo-ow... G Em B Ever since Isaac Newton the basic assumption was that a real, concrete world existed. Didn't matter if we observed it. It was there and doing what it did regardless of us. Heisenberg argued that such things as the orbits of electrons did not exist in nature unless and until we observed them. D# A# Einstein could not accept this D bah-bah! bah-bah! bah-bah! C# G# but why is not the question, it's Gm how-oo-ow-oo-ow... G# Fm C In quantum mechanics, A times B does not always equal B times A. The more you know the position of a particle, the less you know the momentum -- and vice versa. According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, electrons can jump at random from one energy state to another, by virtue of uncertainty. This "tunneling" makes possible nuclear reactions that power the sun. 9.《居里夫人》 watch where you're walkin' Pierre there's a horse-drawn wagon knocked down you dream underground of your girl no more Nobel prizes ooh wakin' up wakin' up solo ooh radium radium glow Marie said it's back to the shed for refinin' not pinin' away when there's work in spite of the circus the press what do they know about love? ooh wakin' up wakin' up solo ooh radium radium glow
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