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读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

看昌海兄新作《Lee Smolin 和他的“The Trouble with Physics”》看得惊涛骇浪,十分过瘾~这篇文章实在气势磅礴,对于该文章有一下几点不同意见和补充意见。其他评论以后继续写。

“那么 Smolin 会因为在弦论如日中天时写下过的这部著作, 而被物理学史所纪录”




漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间: 2007-10-09, 08:57:11 个人资料


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内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]




发表时间: 2007-10-09, 09:57:51 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]


I don't think this is and will be the real reason. It is the fact that there is no real breakthrough, one similar to AdS-CFT, in string theory for a number of years now. Although it is well defined in perturbative vacua, we do not know the real relevant degrees of freedom.

Anyway, relevant or not, string theory is a beautiful and consistent construction . Studying of it, even as toy models, has brought very useful insights into quantum theories.

In comparison, loop quantum gravity is not even qualified to be called a theory since there is even no consistent framework yet.

发表时间: 2007-10-09, 14:01:02 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

:: It is the fact that there is no real breakthrough

This is certainly a major possibility as well. The reason I didn't make this my top bet is because this kind of death will be a slow one. Any particular direction inside string theory might die this way within a few years, but it's going to take a long time for the whole theory to die. In the mean while, experimentalists might be able to raise the lower bound of susy breaking scale enough to dramatically reduce the attractiveness of susy in physics, which in turn may affect string theory, and dramatically accelerates its death.

Of course, guess is only guess, susy might turn out to be a correct idea. In that case, if string theory still dies, I will also bet on no real breakthrough as the most probable reason.


发表时间: 2007-10-09, 15:16:49 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]


我个人觉得,SUSY breaking的能标如果被越推越远,还不至于直接宣示弦论的失败,因为可以修正一些参数来对付高能实验对能区的排除,因为SUSY的各个模型中,参数还是很自由的,人们对于参数的选择很大程度上也因为TeV能标的破缺比较符合级列问题的解决,可以避免fine-tuning问题的卷土重来,而不见得非得在什么样的能标上破却。



漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间: 2007-10-10, 00:18:19 个人资料


发表文章数: 78
内力值: 129/129
贡献度: 450
人气: 56


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

我不相信弦论是个最终的理论,因为对我来说,它还不够racial,对基础修改的太少了,把点换成弦并不能提供观念上颠覆性的突破。它是一个很好的数学玩具,但是我不相信它的物理解释。它的结果在我的价值判断里也还不够crazy,与QM和GR不同,daily life和我们对世界最根本的认识也没有因为string而改变。string正在使越来越多的人丧失信心。

i am thrilled by my results for many times,obviously God preserves a way for human to do research

发表时间: 2007-10-10, 00:47:19 个人资料


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内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
人气: 1737


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

:: SUSY breaking的能标如果被越推越远,还不至于直接宣示弦论的失败

是的,要从实验上彻底否证弦论,在可预见得到的将来都是几乎不可能的。因此我在回帖中只是说 susy breaking 能标的提高可能会 “dramatically reduce the attractiveness of susy in physics, which in turn may affect string theory”。 超对称破缺的能标被推得越高,原先人们希望它干的好事,它就会干得越来越少,而且会干得越来越不漂亮。这将影响物理学家们对它的兴趣和信心,而这极有可能会波及弦论。

TeV 是一个不太遥远的能标,现在从事物理的学生应该会有这个幸运看到这个能标上的事情,无论susy在这个能标上被证实与否,都会有事情可做。


发表时间: 2007-10-10, 04:33:35 个人资料


发表文章数: 768
内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
人气: 1737


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

:: 比较离奇的是,有弦论学者甚至认为弦论即使是在SUSY被排除时仍然不落败。
:: 如果这样的话,SUSY的作用何在?仅仅为了消除一些发散和反常吗?

susy 在弦论中的主要作用有两大类: 一是消除tachyon(以及由此导致的发散等), 二是帮助研究非微扰性质等。 其中第一类是必须解决的, 第二类则是技术上的便利。

弦论学家有一种设想,那就是通过 tachyon condensation 化解 tachyon 造成的问题,并给出一种类似 Higgs 机制那样的好东西,不过目前似乎尚未有具体的实现手段。 假如这有可能实现, 那么弦论在没有 susy 时所面临的最大障碍就有可能被消除。 从这个意义上讲, 没有 susy 的确不等同于弦论的失败。

但如果真的没有 susy (而不仅仅是破缺能量很高), 那么今天炙手可热的那些非微扰结果, 包括许多对偶性, 大都得完蛋。 这虽只是技术困难, 但今天的超弦尚且如此困难, 没有 susy 的弦论将比今天的超弦还要困难得多, 而且其数学魅力也要减弱很多, 这同样可能造成弦论的衰落。

BTW, as we are talking more about technical issues, I moved it to academic forum.


发表时间: 2007-10-10, 05:24:53 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

::但如果真的没有 susy (而不仅仅是破缺能量很高), 那么今天炙手可热的那些非微扰结果, 包括许多对偶性, 大都得完蛋。 这虽只是技术困难, 但今天的超弦尚且如此困难, 没有 susy 的弦论将比今天的超弦还要困难得多, 而且其数学魅力也要减弱很多, 这同样可能造成弦论的衰落。


漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间: 2007-10-11, 00:40:33 个人资料


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贡献度: 7898
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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

:: 超弦现在虽然还在撑着,但是已经在物理上处于停滞,过去人们对它的热望
:: 现在几乎已经变成观望,因此,若把现在这样的状态也归为鼎盛,那么超弦
:: 要么一直这样鼎盛下去,要么就直接完蛋,而不会有所谓的平凡时期了





发表时间: 2007-10-11, 05:31:39 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]


One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-10-11, 06:52:09 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

高能物理的基础研究中还有非常活跃的唯象研究,虽然唯象研究和实验研究很靠近,但是也存在一些和弦论交叉的地方,SUSY是一方面,另一方面,弦唯象的研究也不少,实际上,我觉得弦论不是垄断,而是寡头之一。但是在通往TOE的征途中,弦论绝对是超级垄断。但是TOE研究不等于基础研究。物理的基础研究学者中,有人向往TOE,但是更多人却比较实际,只是想探索探索TeV能标下有多少新物理,包括SUSY,Little Higgs,以及大额外维之类的BSM理论。


漫漫长夜不知晓 日落云寒苦终宵
痴心未悟拈花笑 梦魂飞度同心桥

发表时间: 2007-10-12, 13:59:07 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

我将我上面回帖的有关内容整理扩充到一篇短文中了,标题为“超对称、弦论及弦论之可能衰落原因”(在“繁星物理笔谈录”中)。欢迎其他感兴趣的网友也来“八卦”。如果弦论真的衰落了,我们有生之年应该是可以看到那一天的。到时候谁猜得最准谁就 --



发表时间: 2007-10-12, 19:24:22 个人资料


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人气: 1826


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]


One may view the world with the p-eye and one may view it with the q-eye but if one opens both eyes simultaneously then one gets crazy

发表时间: 2007-10-12, 19:41:24 个人资料


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Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

Let me say a few more words about string theory and SUSY.

I am not going to touch the subject whether or why string theory will go downhill. It is very likely that interesting real stringy physics lies at very high energy scale. Therefore, it is probably to say it in really hard to test it directly or falsify it directly. Therefore, whether it will go up or down base on circumstantial evidences (and weak ones usually) is really a good subject in sociology. Since that is not my field, let me refrain from making that judgement.

It is usually said that string theory predicts supersymmetry. It is a statement based on the following logic (roughly). If you get bored about bosonic string theory, or motivated by hatred towards a tachyongic state, the next thing you could try is to introduce something called worldsheet supersymmetry by introducing worldsheet fermions which together with the worldsheet boson satisfy something called D=2 superconformal algebra (Notice this is not the same as the spacetime supersymmetry, and they don't really necessarily lead to each other). Then, you work out the spectrum. Too bad, you still have tachyons. However, there is a savior. It turns out that keeping all possible states around is not really consistent. For example, it will break some of the symmetries which keep the string theory consistent. And, fortunately, there is a discrete symmetry in theory (the so called worldsheet fermion number). Therefore, we could try to consistently keep only part of the states which is even or odd under this symmetry (You cannot if this is not a symmetry since even will go to odd and odd will go to even). Therefore, we could try to do this. There are several consistent choices (type I, Typy IIA, IIB). The procedure to go to these choices goes by the name GSO projections. Anyway, once you do that, miracle! you find spacetime supersymmetry (in 10 dimensions). These are good, well understood, so-called perturbative string vacua.

There are obvious caveats in this argument. First of all,tachyons may not be as bad as we thing. It usually just mean we are probably a wrong vacuum. It has to roll to some stable vacuum. Of course, it is usually not quite known whether the new theory will have the same degrees of freedom as the old one. However, it is conceivable one can just find theories with not much change, except the tachyon is stabilized. At least, it is not obvious at all why the stable theory will have supersymmetry. Moreover, we are usually talking about the so called critical string theories (means D=26 for bosonic string and D=10 for superstring), stem from the simpliest way one knows how to make a unitary string theory. However, it is not clear at all why these are the only possibilities. In fact, there are many works about non-critical string theories and there are many examples. They don't have tachyon, and usually don't really have supersymmetry. All these things are much less explored, not because they are not likely, but because they are hard. The couplings are usually not so small. Without supersymmetry, we don't usually know what to do in the case of large coupling. However, if string theory is realized in nature, it does not have to care whether we can compute or not. Proton exists, never mind the fact that we cannot compute its mass.

Even if we start from superstring theory, the supersymmetry it possese is usually not the supersymmetry we are talking about. What we usually talk about is the so-called N=1, D=4 supersymmetry with breaking terms on the order of TeV. This gives us a solution to the so-called hierarchy problem, gives us gauge unification, etc. It is an appealing feature. That's why many people, including me, is working on it.

However, to begin with, if the supersymmetry is unbroken in the string theory (compactify on T^6, for example), it translate into D=4, N=8 supersymmetry. This is not acceptable since it is not chiral. Therefore, typically, people pick manifolds (Calabi-Yaus, for example) which only preserves N=1 supersymmetry. Then break it again at TeV scale. You see, as nice as this picture maybe, it contains a lot of assumptions and/or wishes. It is always good to wish and dream in physics. However, it is not true that one should say go to hell if one dream is broken. For example, if one is breaking supersymmetry, naively, there is no reason why some of them should survive all the way down to the low energy scale. In fact, people tried very hard. It usually takes a lot of effort to break supersymmetry at the appropriate scale. Therefore, besides our good wishes, it is not unlikely that supersymmetry in string theory is just broken at very high scale. Again, this is a scenario for which little study has been done not only because it is a little disappointing, but also it is hard to do any calculations without supersymmetry. A symmetry which is broken pretty much at the cut-off of an effective field theory should not have any implications for the low energy physics at all.

Given all these caveats, let me emphasize again low energy supersymmetry is still very appealing idea. It is appealing independent of superstring theory since it solves a lot of problems and puzzles. The picture that it comes from string theory requires several assumptions. It is still an interesting and appealing possibility. However, one should always keep those caveats in mind.

To me, string theory is appealing not only because it offers the possibility of a theory of everything, but also that everything includes in particular gravity. However, string theory is still probably a little bit distance away from acheiving that goal. That's also why I think AdS-CFT is really a very deep theoretical break through since it does says some highly non-trivial about gravity.

发表时间: 2007-10-12, 23:50:45 个人资料


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内力值: 334/334
贡献度: 5130
人气: 237


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

Actually, I really like the one-liner proof mentioned by Polchinski. I think it gives a very good explanation to the finiteness of string theory by relating it to a unique feature of the string theory: the connection between UV and IR which could be easily demonstrateby by a simple string amplitude. This is sort of argument which will convince a physicist like me.

It is probably impossible to give a rigorous proof at this moment since we don't even know the full vacua of string theory yet. In many cases, we probably don't really know the appropriate degrees of freedom yet. However, I think we could probably safely say that all known string theories (maybe one has to say perturbative) are finite.

I am amazed that Lee is criticizing string theory for lack of mathematical rigor. Besides the fact the true mathematical rigor rarely buys us anything. They are almost always after thoughts, as Polchinski point out. There is no parallel at all between string theory and 'others', since things like loop quantum gravity does not even qualified to be called a theory.

发表时间: 2007-10-13, 00:00:59 个人资料


发表文章数: 768
内力值: 416/416
贡献度: 7898
人气: 1737


Re: 读昌海兄新文章的几点评论 [文章类型: 原创]

Very good review.

Lee and other LQG guys clearly used double standard while criticizing string theory. The work he himself did about emergent states from quantum spacetime is no where close to be a real demonstration, yet he consider that to be a major progress.


发表时间: 2007-10-13, 05:35:30 个人资料
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