标题: 从“连续王国”走向“可测共和国”
作者: Omni
“连续王国”:The Realm of Continuous Functions (The Realm of Continuity)
“可测共和国”:The Republic of Measurable Functions (The Republic of Measurability)
“可数可加” 是最关键的概念,是 “测度” 这个概念赖以生存的基础,如果不是因为这个限制,
这段话进一步激发了兄弟在阅读Gauge兄关于均匀分布和测度论的文章时已经产生的深入了解Lebesgue测度的兴趣。我原本已经打算放下对 Walter Rudin几本教科书的成见,想以他的"Real and Complex Analysis"为深入学习的入手点。令人遗憾的是此书虽然提供了一个比"Principles of Mathematical Analysis"略微友好的界面,但我在读到拓扑和Sigma代数的概念类比后的兴致刚浓,就被Rudin不断抛出的术语和定理弄得眼花缭乱,被迫正式宣告Rudin的书只适合数学系的学生。
我手上的Rudin“老三篇”经典都是国内“华章图书”的正式影印版,其封底都有一段用中文写的点评,有趣的是"Principles of Mathematical Analysis"和"Real and Complex Analysis"的中文点评者的观点不太一致:
* "Principles of Mathematical Analysis"的评论者在赞扬完Rudin之后加了一句:“本书内容相当精炼,结构简单明了,这也是Rudin著作的一大特色。与其说这是一部教科书,不如说这是一部字典。”
* 而"Real and Complex Analysis"的评论者就缺乏冷静客观的头脑,只知道赞美:“毫不夸张地说,掌握了本书,对数学的将会上一个新的台阶。”
我在断然抛弃Rudin著作之余,也深感数学教育界迫切需要大量类似柏杨那样的专家肯花时间担任翻译和注释者的工作来造福青年学生和非本专业的兴趣自学者。幸运的是,欧美数学界确实有这样具有高可信度的优秀数学教育家,William Dunham教授无疑是其中的典范之一。我在2005年读了从图书馆借出的"Journey Through Genius"几个章节之后,就果断在Amazon买了Dunham教授全部四本著作--- "Journey Through Genius", "Euler---The Master of Us All", "The Mathematical Universe", 和最新的"The Calculus Gallery"。令兄弟非常欣慰的是,"The Calculus Gallery"成为我这个长周末轰开Lebesgue测度论这扇铁门的一门重炮。
另外最近在图书馆借的数学经典论文集"God Created the Integers"也派上了用场,该书主编Stephen Hawking的主要贡献是为其中17名数学家的每一位写了生平简介,其中关于Lebesgue的那篇成为学习Dunham著作时的重要辅助。此论文集的内容编排非常出色,价格也是惊人的便宜,但其两大致命弱点使我认为还不能急于收藏其2005年初版:
* 目前的版本居然没有索引(index),而此书最大的价值恐怕就在查阅;
* 在众多数学公式的印刷过程中引入了大量的错误,这对一本非原创的选集类出版物来讲非常不应该。
Lebesgue测度就是概率论中可以影响全局的一个概念,要想透彻理解必须先把数学分析中的积分和可积形定义的历史演变搞清楚。Rudin名著 "Real and Complex Analysis"只知填鸭式地抛出大量定义和定理及其证明,对于Lebesgue积分的历史背景非常吝惜笔墨:
"Towards the end of the 19th century it became clear to many mathematicians that the Riemann integral should be replaced by some other type of integral, more general and more flexible, better suited for dealing with limit processes. ... It was Lebesgue's construction which turned out to be the most successful."
Dunham教授的近著"The Calculus Gallery"读来令人赏心悦目,而我在Hawking教授评论Lebesgue生平时了解到积分定义的演变必须抓住"Cauchy--> Riemann-->Lebesgue"这条历史主线,于是就只读Dunham书中与此三人有关的章节。只用了几个小时的时间,就理出如下清晰的头绪,为了概念表达的精确将以英语表述为主:
(1) Leibniz originally defined the integral as a sum of infinitely many infinitesimal summands in the context of finding the area under a curve. But by 1800, algebraic notions started to dominate over geometrical notions in calculus under the influence of Euler's great contributions. Integral has come to be regarded merely as the inverse of differentiation, indefinite integral now has the nickname of "antiderivative". But this kind of treatment of integral severely underestimated its profound nature.
(2) Cauchy believed that the integral must have an independent existence and put definite integral back into the spotlight. He restored the usage of "limit" to define a definite integral across an interval. Although Cauchy's definition had the major weakness of limiting to continuous functions, he did make two critical points:
* The integral is a limit of a summation
* Integral's existence has nothing to do with antidifferentiation
After putting the concept of definite integral onto the solid foundation of limit, he was able to prove the fundamental theorem of calculus with enough mathematical rigor.
(3) Dirichlet's function has infinitely many discontinuities in any given interval:
D(x) = 1 if x is rational,
D(x) = 0 if x is irrational
Cauchy's integral couldn't handle the integration of this function. Dirichlet suggested that a new and more inclusive theory of integration might be crafted to handle such functions, a theory connected to "the fundamental principles of infinitesimal analysis". This challenge was taken up by Bernhard Riemann in 1854.
(4) Riemann proposed a bold and provocative idea to divorce integrability from continuity! Riemann将那些在连续函数占统治地位的王国中被”歧视“的一些函数予以解放(deliverance),这些从”连续王国“的专制体制下获得自由的函数暂时无家可归,Riemann就给它们搭了一座名叫"Riemann Integrable Functions"的”流动难民营“。但是这些有界函数”难民“中颇有一些”亡命之徒“,在很窄的区间内取值照样剧烈振荡,很难”管教“。 Riemann为了建造这所”难民营“可谓苦心孤诣,其数学细节涉及很多公式,无法在本坛交流。但是其核心思想可以表述如下:
In order for a function to have a Riemann integral, its oscillations must be under control. A function that jumps too often and too wildly cannot be integrated. From a geometrical viewpoint, such a function would seem to have no definable area under the curve.
(5) The fact that Dirichlet's function is not even Riemann integrable raised a fundamental question: how discontinuous can a function be and still be integrable by Riemann's definition? The answer to this question had to wait until the 20th century to be provided by Henri Lebesgue.
(6) In his 1902 doctoral dissertation titled "Intégrale, longueur, aire", Lebesgue provided insights that revolutionized integration theory and real analysis. He did so by returning to the concepts of length and area, viewing them from a fresh perspective, and therefore providing an alternative definition of the integral.
He started with an intuitive definition that the "length" of any of the four real intervals [a,b], (a,b]. [a,b), and (a,b) is simply b-a. The concept of "length" can be generalized to the concept of "measure". The measure of a bounded set can then be derived from the measure of an interval.
Before Lebesgue, Alan Harnack introduced the so-called "outer content" of a bounded set. Given such a set, he began by enclosing it within a covering of finitely many intervals and using the sum of their lengths as an approximation to the set's outer content.
Cover a bounded set E by finitely many intervals in all possible ways, sum the lengths of the intervals in each coverings, and define the outer content of E (written as c(E)) to be the limit of such sums as the length of the widest interval goes to zero.
Using this bold idea, Harnack found that an infinite, nowhere-dense set has zero outer content. This was a very satisfactory result according to our intuition. But he ran into difficulty with the set of rational numbers (Q_1) in [0,1]: an infinite, dense set. He recognized that any covering of Q_1 by a finite number of intervals will of necessity cover all of [0,1]. Hence c(Q_1) = 1-0 = 1. Applying similar reasoning to the set of irrationals (I_1) in [0,1], he found that c(I_1) = 1 as well. Because the union of the disjoint sets Q_1 and I_1 is the entire interval [0,1], we see that
c(Q_1 ∪ I_1) = c([0,1]) =1
c(Q_1) + c(I_1) = 1 + 1 = 2
So we end up with a "disjoint nonadditivity", which is a very unpleasant feature of Harnack's theory of content.
这里既然写到了"of necessity",就顺便提一下老马《资本论》中那句让人耳熟能详的名言“从必然王国到自由王国”的英语表述,这里的关键是“王国”一词要用 "realm",而不能用"kingdom",因为前者还有“界”,“领域”,“范围”等多层内涵 ---
必然王国:The Realm of Necessity
自由王国:The Realm of Freedom
Lebesgue got the major historical credit by providing a final solution to this problem. He defined a set to have "outer measure" zero if it "can be enclosed in a finite or a denumerable infinitude of intervals whose total length is as small as we wish".. The innovation here is that Lebesgue, unlike Harnack, permitted coverings by a "denumerable infinitude" of intervals, and this made a world of difference.
In other words, Lebesgue defined a set's outer measure in terms of coverings of intervals that form a superset of the set being measured. Each interval in a covering has a measure, and the sum of these measures may be finite. Since a bounded set can always be covered by the entire bounded interval, Lebesgue recognized that the sum of the measures of the coverings of a bounded set always has a finite infimum (greatest lower bound). This infimum is defined as the set's outer measure.
"Lebesgue demonstrated that the rationals have outer measure of 0 by employing Cantor's demonstration that the rationals can be enumerated and by enclosing the nth rational number in a closed interval of width (measure) ε^n. Summing the measures of all of these intervals results in ε which can be made as small as desired. Thus the rationals have an outer measure of 0, ..."
ε + ε^2 + ε^3 + ... + ε^n + ... = lim ε(1-ε^n)/(1-ε) = ε/(1-ε), which is not equal to ε (here the limit is taken as n approaches infinity)
我认为这里所谓的ε^n应该是ε / (2^n),那样总外测度就是:
ε/2 + ε/4 + ε/8 + ... + ε/(2^n) + ... = lim ε (1-2^(-n)) = ε
(7) Lebesgue then defined the inner measure of a set E bounded by the interval [a,b] in terms of the outer measure of the set of points contained in this interval minus the set of points contained in the set E (denoted by "[a,b] - E"). This definition can be written as
m_i(E) = (b - a) - m_e([a,b] - E)
where m_i is the inner measure and m_e is the outer measure.
At this point, Lebesgue showed that "the inner measure is never greater than the outer measure" and then stated the key definition of the measurability of a set:
"Sets for which the inner and outer measures are equal are called measurable and their measure is this common value".
"We say that a function f, bounded or not, is measurable if, for any c < d, the set {x|c<f(x)<d} is measurable".
It is fair to say that any function ever considered prior to 1900 belonged to the family of Lebesgue-measurable functions. It was really a huge collection. Now he is ready to define the famous Lebesgue Integral.
(8) Riemann's integral of a bounded function f started with a partition of the domain [a,b] into tiny subintervals, built rectangles upon these subintervals whose heights were determined by the functional values, and finally let the width of the largest subinterval shrink to zero. By contrast, Lebesgue's alternative was predicated upon an idea as simple as it was bold:
Partition not the function's domain, but its range!
In Stephen Hawking's words: "I remember once hearing a story about an historian of Babylonian astronomy whose colleagues asked him for help interpreting an ancient astronomical manuscript. He stroked his beard for a while and pondered the odd symbols on the manuscript. Then suddenly, he began to explain the manuscript to his colleagues as he rotated it 90 degree from portrait mode to landscape mode. Henri Lebesgue made just such a change in perspective for the theory of integration. ... Lebesgue's great insight was to partition the y axis, rather than the x axis, in much the same way that Cauchy and Riemann had partitioned the x axis."
Lebesgue本人在1966年出版的一本科普小册子"Measure and the Integral"中做了一个形象生动的类比:
He imagined a shopkeeper who, at the end of a day, wishes to count the total daily revenue. One option is for the merchant to "count coins and bills at random in the order in which they came to hand". Such as merchant, who Lebesgue called "unsystematic", would add the money in the sequence in which it was collected: a dollar, a dime, a quarter, another dollar, another quarter, and so on. This is like taking functional values as they are encountered while moving from left to right across the interval [a,b]. This is the spirit of Riemann's integral.
On the other hand, would it not be preferable for the merchant to ignore the order in which the money arrived and instead group it by denomination(货币面额)? The calculation of the day's revenue would then be simple: multiply the value of the currency (which corresponds to the functional value of the subinterval on y axis) by the number of pieces (which corresponds to the measure of subsets on x axis) and add them up. This is the spirit of Lebesgue's integral.
Rudin一类的数学专家恐怕穷其一生也想不出这样巧妙的类比来启发学生的思路。数学的思想就应该是鲜活的,而不是由无数概念,定理,和证明来堆砌的城堡。而Dunham教授在著述时始终以历史为线索,将各种鲜活的思想有机地联系起来,让人学上几个小时也没有半点枯燥的感觉。最让我击节赞赏的是 Dunham教授不时在大段论述推导之后的精辟总结,其语言之优美几乎让人忘记此时是在读一本颇有深度的数学书,在此仅举他在讲完Lebesgue积分后的总结为例:
"With Lebesgue's integral, there was no longer the need to attach restrictive conditions to the derivative, for example, a requirement that it be continuous, in order for the fundamental theorem of calculus to hold. In a sense, then, Lebesgue restored this central result of calculus to a state as "natural" as it was in the era of Newton and Leibniz."
20世纪初,概率论的各个领域已经取得了大量成果,但是诸如事件和概率等基本概念的定义还存在争议。在19世纪被广泛接受的Laplace关于概率的古典定义在面对Bertrand's paradox等难题时遇到了巨大困难:
* 事件的运算与集合的运算完全相似
* 概率与测度具有相同的性质
此时数学界广泛流行的公理化风潮(例如Hilbert将欧氏几何重新严格公理化)促使了前苏联数学家Kolmogorov在1933年提出了著名的公理化结构,使概率论重归严格。而这一公理化结构的最重要的数学基石(mathematical cornerstone)就是Lebesgue测度论,尤其是其中最为关键的"可数可加性"思想(countable additivity or denumerable additivity)!
19世纪中叶由德国人Riemann领导的"无数断点函数维新"类似同一历史时期的日本"明治维新",这次"变法"让某些不连续函数逃离了"连续函数王国 "的专制统治和压迫(它们被质疑的"可积性"相当于"合法公民身份"),它们为了自由宁可无家可归,住进"Riemann可积函数"这个带有一定民主色彩的四处飘零的"君主立宪国"。但是在这个酷似"难民营"的国度中,类似Dirichlet函数这样的怪胎依然不被社会所接纳,无法取得"可积函数身份证" 这样的基本"人权",。于是这些少数受压迫者意识到,只有彻底推翻君主制,建立一个完全民主的"共和国",它们才有真正的容身之地。
20世纪初由法国人Lebesgue领导的"可测函数革命"则类似同一历史时期由孙中山发动的"辛亥革命",这场"变革"成功地建立起一个极具包容性的" 可测函数共和国",终于让Dirichlet函数这样的怪胎也成为合法的可积函数。这样,几乎所有在当时已知的函数都能在这个自由民主平等的家园中找到自己的位置。