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Sage 文集
- sage -
Here is a
list of articles that I have posted. Most of them are about some
physics subjects which I think might be useful. Since a lot of them are
discussion motivated, they are necessarily incomplete. In order to
setup context, I sometimes included some original comments or questions
from other friends here. Please let me know if you find some of them
are not appropriate.
seems to be continuous interests in various aspects of quantum
mechanics, especially its foundations.
Measurement and Unitarity in Quantum mechanics is a discussion of the non-unitary process associated with the measurement in quantum mechanics. Wave function vs classical orbits is a discussion of the relation between quantum state characterized by a wave function and our classical intuition of orbits. Hamiltonian is a brief (and not very readdable) discussion of why Hamiltonian is a natural candidate whose eigenvalues could be mapped to the roots of Riemann function. It also include a clarification of the difference between angular momentum quantization and space-time quantizations.
Quantum Field Theory, as the single
most important tool for particle physics as well as some aspects of
condense matter physics, continues to be the focus of many discussions.
Spin-1 Lagrangian sketches how to derive Lagrangian for spin-1 particles. Force Carriers discuss the notion force carriers in quantum field theory. It continues the very good discussion on this issue by Changhai. It also address some issue about the notion of virtue particles. Aspects of Conformal Field Theory discusses some basic issues of conformal field theory. Effective Field Theory Q&A. Effective field theory is probably the single most important concept in the application of Quantum Field Theory. This article addresses some of the issues of effective field theory in the form a diaglog with my friend walk_f. Standard Model as Effective Field Theory starts with as an response to Changhai's article on Standard Model and Renormalizability. It evolved into my personal perspective on the effective field theory. Fermion masses discuss the issue of fermion mass terms in quantum field theory and one of its application, neutrino mass in the Standard Model.
topics of active research are covered.
Modification of Gravity is supposed to be a series that I have not finished. Modification of Gravity: Motivations MOND stands for "Modification of Newtonian Dynamics". Here is a brief intro. Dark Energy constitutes 70% of energy budget of the universe. It is a big subject to cover. Here, I only briefly mention its effect on the spacetime of universe. I also very briefly mentioned phantom energy.
My Experience in
Math tell my personal story and feeling about mathematics. It is
obviously from a practical physicist point of view.